Operational Efficiency Dashboards

Use the Operational Efficiency dashboards to see how well your teams are operating within BigPanda.

Operational Efficiency Dashboards provide insight into your MTTx scores and how well your teams are operating within BigPanda. These dashboards can help you find trends in how quickly your teams are responding, and understand how BigPanda is improving team workload and operational performance.

To view the Operational Efficiency Dashboards within Unified Analytics, navigate to BigPanda Dashboards > Product Outcomes > Operational Efficiency.


BigPanda University Training

Learn how to maximize your Unified Analytics dashboards with the BPU Unified Analytics Course. Learn best practices and advanced dashboard management, and test your knowledge to receive the official BigPanda Unified Analytics Credly badge.

To start the course, you may need to register for or log in to BPU.

Operational Efficiency Dashboards

The following dashboards are available in the Operational Efficiency folder:

MTTx BreakdownProvides a detailed deep dive into trends and statistics for organizational MTTx measures.Yes
Teams EfficiencyProvides detailed records of user actions and behavior within BigPanda.Yes

Next Steps

View Unified Analytics dashboards

Learn how to Manage Unified Analytics

Find definitions of Unified Analytics Key Metrics

Dive into potential reporting fields in Unified Analytics Reporting Tables. If your organization uses the Standard Data Model, you can find these tables in the ​Standard Data Model​​ documentation.