Alert Analysis

The Alert Analysis dashboard provides a deep dive into alert payloads sent to BigPanda from inbound tools.

The Alert Analysis Dashboard helps you visualize trends and patterns in your alert payloads, allowing you to find problematic infrastructure elements or times proactively.

Alert Analysis Dashboard

Alert Analysis Dashboard


Dashboard Duplication

This dashboard can be duplicated. See the Manage Unified Analytics documentation to learn how to create a new dashboard from a copy.

Key Features

  • Spot low alert thresholds that may need to be optimized
  • Highlight problematic hosts or applications
  • Identify hours or days that frequently have high volumes of alerts


The following widgets are available in the Alert Analysis dashboard:

Alerts by DateDisplays the alert payload quality over time. The shaded area shows the total incidents after correlation. The line shows the Noise Reduction percentage over time.
Total Alerts by HourThe hourly number of alert status changes by day of the week. (Sunday is 0)
Top Alerting ApplicationsThe total number of incoming alerts and incidents created for each inbound tool. Tools are listed in order from highest to lowest alert count.
Top Alerting HostsThe total number of incoming alerts and incidents created for each individual host. Hosts are listed in order from highest to lowest alert count.
Top Alerting ChecksThe total number of incoming alerts and incidents created for each individual check. Checks are listed in order from highest to lowest alert count.
Top Recurring Alerts (MTBF)Alerts that are sent to BigPanda most often, with MTBF and most recent occurrence listed.
Top Noisy AlertsAlerts listed by the average number of status changes those alerts report to BigPanda.

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Dive into potential reporting fields in ​​Unified Analytics Reporting Tables​​. If your organization uses the Standard Data Model, you can find these tables in the ​Standard Data Model​​ documentation.