
Automatically create Opsgenie incidents from incidents in BigPanda.

Supported VersionsTypeAuthentication Type
SaaS DeploymentsAPIUser API Key

Opsgenie is an alert and incident management platform that notifies you of issues through multiple channels. Installing this integration allows you to automatically forward incidents created in BigPanda to the Opsgenie platform.

To learn more about OpsGenie, see the Integrate OpsGenie with BigPanda guide on the OpsGenie documentation site.

Key Features

  • Utilize OpsGenie to communicate incidents via email, voice, SMS, and push messages to recipients.

  • Optimize the number of OpsGenie notifications by using BigPanda's alert filtering and correlation.

  • Automatically resolve OpsGenie incidents when respective BigPanda incidents are resolved.


The Opsgenie integration follows standard AutoShare rules. See the Manage AutoShare documentation for more information.

Install the Integration

Administrators can install the integration by following the on-screen instructions in BigPanda.

Configure AutoShare

Use AutoShare to automatically create OpsGenie incidents for BigPanda incidents that belong to specific environments.

  1. Within BigPanda, go to Settings > AutoShare.
  2. Select Create AutoShare.
  3. From the Environment drop-down, select the desired environment.
  4. From the Share via drop-down, select the OpsGenie webhook.
  5. Click Create AutoShare to save.

Uninstall the Integration

Deleting an integration requires changes to both the integrated system and BigPanda. You must uninstall the integration on the integrated system and then delete the integration from BigPanda.


When replacing an existing integration with a new tool or system, we recommend configuring the new integration first to ensure no data is lost.

Stop Sending Data from BigPanda

In BigPanda, disable any settings that send data to the integrated system. This includes modifying or removing AutoShare rules or Environments that are tied to the integration.

Delete the Integration from BigPanda

  1. In BigPanda, navigate to the Integrations tab and select the desired integration from the list.
  2. In the integration details on the right of the page, click the trash icon, then confirm you want to delete the integration. The integration will then be removed immediately.

️Data Removal

This procedure does not remove any data from BigPanda or the integrated system. As needed, remove data from each system before deleting the integration.