Monitoring Sources

Use the Monitoring Sources dashboard to measure metrics on inbound integrations sending alert data to BigPanda.

The Monitoring Sources Dashboard gives you a deep dive into how BigPanda is interacting with your monitoring tools including alert volumes, actionable alert percentages, and signal-to-noise ratio.

Monitoring Sources Dashboard

Monitoring Sources Dashboard


Dashboard Duplication

This dashboard can be duplicated. See the Manage Unified Analytics documentation to learn how to create a new dashboard from a copy.

Key Features

  • Compare monitoring tools to highlight those with highest alert volumes
  • Identify tools that are sending a high number of unactionable alerts
  • Review which statuses are most commonly triggering alerts from each monitoring tool
  • Track signal-to-noise ratio trends over time


The following widgets are available in the Monitoring Sources dashboard:

Monitoring Sources by VolumeThe percentage of alert status changes sent by each inbound integration.
Monitoring Sources 30 Day TrendThe number of Critical or Warning alert status changes sent by inbound integrations per week.
Alert Flow Analysis - Top 10 SourcesThe flow of alerts from individual monitoring sources to their incident closure within BigPanda. Alerts are classified as either high, medium, or low quality based on the level of BigPanda enrichment for the alert. See Alert Quality for more information.
Monitoring Sources by StatusThe number of Critical and Warning alert status changes sent by each inbound integration.
Self Healed Alerts TrendingThe number of alerts that were resolved without operator action within BigPanda per week. The dotted line tracks the trend over the full reporting period.

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