The New Incident Console

The New Incident Console delivers improved usability and performance, allowing you to accelerate your incident management processes.

Incident information in BigPanda is managed from a centralized location in the Incidents tab within the UI. You can organize, assign, investigate, and escalate incidents as necessary to facilitate a quick resolution.

The new BigPanda Incident Console delivers an intuitive incident feed with improved usability and performance. The new console includes updates that allow you to accelerate your incident management workflow and surface more actionable insights.

For more details about the console refresh, see the New Incident Console documentation.

Take a Tour

Click the module below to view an interactive tour of the Incidents Tab.

Incidents Tab

The Incidents Tab

The Incidents Tab

1 - Incident FeedA view of incidents based on a selected folder. You can use the search bar to find a specific incident, or use the filter and sort options to adjust your results.Incident Feed 
2 - Environments PaneThe environments and folders that you can use to filter the incident feed.View Incidents in Environments 

Manage Environments 
3 - Incident Details PaneDetailed information about the selected incident. You can view details of the related alerts, view the incident life cycle on a timeline, and more.Incident Details 

Feed Settings, Theme, and Pane Layouts

You can customize your incident console by adjusting the feed settings, choosing a different theme, or changing the layout of your incident feed and incident details pane.

Feed Settings, Theme, and Pane Layouts

Feed Settings, Theme, and Pane Layouts

1 - Feed SettingsToggle the feed between Live Updates and Manual Updates.

Live Updates updates the incident feed with new incidents, comments, and changed incident statuses automatically.

Manual Updates will only update the incident feed when you refresh your browser page, or when reopening the page after closing.
2 - ThemeToggles the console between the Light Theme and Dark Theme.
3 - LayoutThe layout toggle allows you to choose the orientation of the console.

You can customize your incident console by choosing a vertical or horizontal pane layout, or by turning the details pane on or off.

Customize Pane Layouts

You can customize how incidents appear on the screen by choosing a list, split, or table pane layout.

When the List layout is selected, the details pane appears to the right of the feed. The Split layout places the details pane below the incident feed. The table layout displays the incident feed without the details pane.

The default view is List, but once you’ve changed the setting, BigPanda will remember your selection.

List Pane

List Pane

Split Pane

Split Pane

When the Table view is selected, the incident feed view appears without the details pane by default.

Table Option

Table Option

To activate this view, click the ​layout​ button on the top right side of the console and select ​Table​​. When this layout is selected, the incident feed ribbon will fill the entire incident console. You can drag the edges of each column to adjust the size.

To view incident details, click an incident in the feed and the details will appear in a flyout pane on the right.

Details Pane

Details Pane


Incident feed view customization

With Incident Feed Views, you can customize the tags that appear when the Table layout is selected so that the information most relevant to you is always available at a glance.

Incident Feed Views are based on environments, so you can create separate views for different teams working in BigPanda. All users who have access to an environment will see the same customized table view.

See the ​Manage Incident Feed Views​​ documentation for more information.

The Environments Pane

Environments filter and group incidents based on properties such as source and priority for easy visibility and action. Environments make it easy for your team to focus on the incidents relevant to their role and responsibilities.

You can use environments to filter the incident feed, create dashboards, set up sharing rules, and simplify incident search.

The Environments Pane

The Environments Pane

FieldDescriptionRelated Links
1 - Create a new environment or environment groupClick the + button to add a new environment or environment group.Create New Environments 
2 - Sort EnvironmentsClick the Sort icon to sort the list of environments ​Alphabetically​ or by ​Creation date​​.Sort Environments
3 - Filter Environments Search the environments pane for a specific folder, group, or environment.View Incidents in Environments 
4 - Starred EnvironmentsEnvironments that were starred appear at the top of the environments pane.Create New Environments 
5 - Environment FolderEach environment is automatically assigned status folders: Active, Unhandled, Shared, Snoozed, and Resolved. View Incidents in Environments 
6 - Environment GroupEnvironment groups organize your environments by common functions or properties such as business services, teams, and infrastructure areas.Manage Environment Groups 
7 - Collapse Environment PaneClick the blue arrow to completely minimize the Environments pane.View Incidents in Environments 

Incident Feed

The incident feed provides a view of all active incidents from the selected environment. You can use the feed to manage and take action on your incidents.

The Incident Feed

The Incident Feed

FieldDescriptionRelated Links
1 - Number of Active Alerts and Incident StatusThe number of related alerts that are in the Critical or Warning state, and the incident status. The incident status is updated based on the status of the most severe active alert.Incidents in BigPanda 
2 - PriorityThe incident's assigned level of importance.Prioritize Incidents 
3 - Last Changed DateThe date when the last update in the incident occurred.Incidents in BigPanda 
4 - Change SuspectsThe number of root cause change suspects associated with the incident.Root Cause Changes 
5 - Incident Title and SubtitleDescription of the incident that gives insight into the incident impact, correlation logic, and related alerts. The title is based on the primary property, and the subtitle is based on the secondary property.Incident Titles 
Primary Property 

Secondary Property 
6 - Time WindowThe amount of time between the start of the first and last correlated alert.Manage Alert Correlation 
7 - SourceThe monitoring tool(s) where the events originated.Integrate with BigPanda 

Incident Actions

The incident action icons appear after hovering over an incident.

Incident Actions

Incident Actions

Available incident actions include resolve, snooze, comment, share, and assign.

See the Respond to Incidents documentation for more information.

Find and Select Incidents

The incident feed contains options that help you find the exact incident or group of incidents that you need.

Select, search, filter, and sort incidents

Select, search, filter, and sort incidents

FieldDescriptionRelated Links
1 - Select AllClick the box to select all of the incidents on the page. This allows you to perform actions on multiple incidents at once.Select Multiple Incidents 

Perform Actions on Multiple Incidents 
2 - Search incidentsSearch for specific incidents.Search for Incidents 

BigPanda Query Language 
3 - FilterFilter the feed by the assignee.Assign an Incident
4 - SortSort the incident feed by the selected property. The following options are available:

Last Changed (Default)
No. of Alerts

Incidents in BigPanda 

Incident Details Pane

The incident details pane provides a comprehensive view of all information related to an incident. Use the incident details pane to view incident history and take action on incidents.

Incident Details Pane

Incident Details Pane

1 - Matched Correlation PatternsClick the lightning bolt icon to see a list of matched correlation patterns for the incident.Matched Patterns
2 - Status IndicatorIndicates the incident status, which is determined by the most severe status of the related alerts.Incidents in BigPanda
3 - PriorityAllows you to view or change the priority of the incident.Prioritize Incidents
4 - Incident ActionsProvides access to the available actions for an incident, such as Assign, Resolve, Snooze, Comment, and Share.

If the incident has already been shared, a number will appear next to the Share icon indicating how many times it has been shared.
Respond to Incidents

Assign an Incident
5 - Incident Title and SubtitleDescription of the incident that gives insight into the incident impact, correlation logic, and related alerts. The title is based on the primary property, and the subtitle is based on the secondary property.Incident Titles

Primary Property 

Secondary Property 
6 - Last Changed Date, Time Window, and SourceThe last changed date is when the last change to the incident occurred.

The time window is the duration between the start time of correlated alerts in minutes.

The Source is the monitoring tool where the events originated.
Incidents in BigPanda

Manage Alert Correlation

Integrate with BigPanda
7 - TimelineAllows you to visualize the life cycle of an incident on a timeline, which helps you understand how the incident has unfolded.Use the Timeline
9 - TabsThe Overview tab, Alerts tab, Topology tab, Changes tab, Similar tab, and Activity tab are accessible from the center of the Incident Details screen.Overview Tab

Alerts Tab

Topology Tab

Changes Tab

Similar Tab

Activity Tab


The Timeline visually displays incident information, activities, maintenance events, and changes over time. It shows the time when the first alert was received (incident start time) and the time when the incident was resolved (incident end time), or the current time if the incident is still active.

Incident Timeline

Incident Timeline

The incident timeline shows status changes along the Status line. Status changes are marked using colored dots.

Orange dotThe alert is in Warning status.
Red dotThe alert is in Critical status.
Green dotThe alert was resolved.
Orange and green dotThe alert was marked as flapping.
Grey dotThe alert is in maintenance.The status line will also be highlighted in light blue for the duration of the maintenance period.
Blue dotThe alert was acknowledged.

Additional incident actions are shown along the Activities line.

Incident Actions

Incident Actions

Orange bust with plusThe incident was assigned to a user.
Blue arrowThe incident was manually or automatically shared.
Grey up and down arrowsThe incident priority was manually updated.
Grey up and down arrows with a line through themThe incident priority was manually removed.
Yellow dialogue bubbleA comment was added to the incident.
Orange bellThe incident was snoozed.
Grey paragraph linesA value was manually changed for a single-value tag.
Grey bullet point linesA value was manually added, changed, or removed for a multi-value tag.
Green checkmarkThe incident was manually resolved, or one of the included alerts was manually or automatically resolved.

To see information about an event on the incident timeline, click a dot. This opens the Alert Info pane where you can view the complete details of the alert. To view the details of every status change of the alert, click the arrows at the top of the pane.

Alert Info Pane

Alert Info Pane

See the Use the Timeline documentation for more information.

Next Steps

Learn additional details about the New Incident Console.

Find details about Incidents in BigPanda.

Dig into how Incidents are created with BigPanda AIOps