Jira Changes

The Jira Changes integration notifies BigPanda of any new or updated changes in your Jira Change Management.

The BigPanda Jira app creates a Jira webhook that sends BigPanda all new and updated issues matching the customer-provided JQL filter. The change data is processed and normalized according to the configuration provided in the BigPanda Jira app. The prepared change record is then sent to the BigPanda Console.

Once in the console, these changes are available for use in the RCA process with BigPanda's Root Cause Changes feature.

Supported VersionsTypeAuthentication Type
Jira Cloud or
Jira Server
Native App or
API Key and Bearer Token

Key Features

  • Native app to easily integrate BigPanda with Jira.
  • JQL filters to target your projects and issues for change management.
  • Easy configuration via the configuration form located in the BigPanda Jira app, where you can:
    • Map custom statuses in Jira to BigPanda statuses.
    • Map custom fields in Jira to BigPanda tags.
    • Hide any undesired fields from the BigPanda UI.

Data Models

BigPanda converts and organizes Jira issue information into tags.

Default Field Mapping

BigPanda TagJira FieldDescription
identifierkeyThe unique identifier for the change.
statusstatus.nameThe change status.
startcreatedWhen the change started.
summarysummarySummary of the change.
endresolutiondateWhen the change ended.

The mapping between Jira fields and BigPanda tags can be customized in the app configuration.

Default Status Mapping

BigPanda StatusJira StatusesDescription
Planned[none]A change has been planned but is not yet in progress.
In Progressopen, reopen, in progressA change is currently in progress.
Doneresolved, done, closedA change was resolved.
Canceled[none]A change was cancelled or aborted.

The mapping between Jira and BigPanda statuses can be customized in the app configuration.

Manage the Integration

Install the Integration

Create an App Key

Create an app key in BigPanda.


Integration Specific

You'll need a separate app key for each integrated system.

App Key Configuration in BigPanda

App Key Configuration in BigPanda

Create a BigPanda API Key

  1. Generate an API Key
  2. Note the API Key for use later in the setup

Install & Configure the BigPanda App

  1. In your Jira instance, navigate to Jira Settings > Apps > Find new apps

  2. Search for and install BigPanda App

  3. Go to Jira Settings > Apps > Manage apps

  4. Select the BigPanda App and click on Configure

  5. Fill in the API Key and App Key fields with the following values:

    • API Key: API Key Created Earlier
    • App Key: <Your App Key>

Advanced Configuration

The default configuration uses a fixed set of Jira fields for creating a change in BigPanda. Generally you will want to customize which Jira fields are used when creating change records in BigPanda.

The additional fields on the configuration page can be updated to reflect your unique environment needs.

See the Jira Cloud or Jira Server section below for more information on these additional fields and how they are used.

Jira Cloud

Configure the Integration

In the main Jira menu, select BigPanda to open the configuration editor.

Configuration Editor

Configuration Editor

General Section

The General section allows you to specify the Jira field name for the following BigPanda tags:

  • start
  • end
  • summary

Status Names Section

The Status Names section allows you to specify:

  • The Jira field for the change status.
  • The mapping of Jira statuses to BigPanda statuses.


Field Format

Provide a comma-separated list of Jira statuses for each BigPanda Status (ie: done, resolved, closed, completed)

Field Format

Provide a comma-separated list of Jira statuses for each BigPanda Status (ie: done, resolved, closed, completed)

Tags Section

By default, all Jira issue fields are mapped to tags in BigPanda using their field names.

Customize Jira field names and BigPanda tag names in the Tags section.


BigPanda Changes allows you to hide specific tags from the Console without losing the ability to leverage these tags in correlation. To use the Metadata section to hide specific tags, provide a comma-separated list of the field names you wish to exclude.

Jira Server

Configure the webhook

A webhook URL needs to be created with all the necessary query parameters to make sure BigPanda processes the Jira Issues correctly.

This table represents all the required and optional query parameters the webhook can leverage.

Query ParameterValue OptionsDescription
api_keyBigPanda API Key
app_keyApp key for the Change API integration.
override_status_fieldtrue/falseOverrides the default status field.
status_nameJira fieldIf override_status_field is set to true, this parameter is required.
override_status_mappingtrue/falseOverrides the default status mapping.
status_mappingURI encoded Object
Object keys: BigPanda Change statuses
Object value: Array of Jira statuses to match
If override_status_mapping is set to true, this parameter is required.
Reference default status mapping
startJira field(Optional) Overrides the default start field
endJira field(Optional) Overrides the default end field
summaryJira field(Optional) Overrides the default summary field
tagsURI encoded Object
Object keys: Jira field
Object value: BigPanda tag name
(Optional) This parameter allows you to provide a user friendly name to any Jira field.
metadataURI encoded Array
(Optiona) List of Jira fields to hide from the BigPanda Console.
  1. Start with the base URL: https://inbound.bigpanda.io/jira/changes

  2. Add the required query parameters to the URL. Example:

  3. Add any additional query parameters to meet your desired configuration

URL Encoding

For the status_mapping and tags parameters, it is required to URI encode the values. Here is an example of this encoding

  "Planned": ["approved", "in review"],
  "In Progress": ["pending"],
  "Done": ["done", "finished"],
  "Canceled": ["cancelled", "rejected"]


Remove Extra Spaces

All extra spaces must be removed prior to encoding the object

Create the Webhook

  1. Log into your Jira instance.
  2. In the left panel, go to Jira Settings > System > Webhooks.
  3. Click on Create a Webhook.
  4. Enter a name for the webhook.
  5. Add your generated webhook from the previous step.
  6. Add a JQL Query to the webhook so that only the projects you want are pushed to BigPanda.
  7. Check the Issue created and updated checkboxes.
  8. Click create at the bottom.

Uninstall the Integration

Deleting an integration requires that you remove the integration in both the integrated system and BigPanda. We recommend that you first uninstall the integration on the integrated system to prevent traffic from being sent and rejected by BigPanda, since the app_key will not exist once you delete the integration in BigPanda.


Caution During Replacement

When replacing an existing integration with a new tool or system, we recommend configuring the new integration first to ensure no data is lost.

Disable the Integration

You can stop sending change data to BigPanda but preserve your configuration settings by disabling the integration in ServiceNow.

  1. In the ServiceNow application, navigate to BigPanda > Configuration.
  2. In the Maintenance Plan section, de-select the Active checkbox
  3. Save the configuration

Stop Sending Data from BigPanda

In BigPanda, disable any settings that send data to the integrated system. This includes modifying or removing AutoShare rules or Environments that are tied to the integration.

Stop Sending Data to BigPanda

Uninstall the Jira Cloud app:

  • Uninstall the app by navigating to Jira Settings > Apps > Manage apps.
  • Use the Uninstall button for the BigPanda App.

Uninstall the Jira Server app:

  • Uninstall the app by navigating to Jira Settings > System > Webhook.
  • Select the BigPanda webhook and click on the delete button.

Delete the Integration in BigPanda

Take the following steps to delete the integration from BigPanda:

  1. In BigPanda, navigate to the Integrations tab and select the desired integration from the list.
  2. In the integration details on the right of the page, click the trash icon, then confirm you want to delete the integration. The integration will be removed immediately.


No Data Removal

This procedure does not remove any data from BigPanda or the integrated system. As needed, remove data from each system before deleting the integration.