
Send monitoring events from AppDynamics to BigPanda.

Supported VersionsTypeAuthentication Type
up to v21; On-Premise, Dedicated SaaS DeploymentsWebhookOrg Bearer Token

The integration uses a custom HTTP action, policy, and template in AppDynamics. When an event occurs and a policy fires the action, AppDynamics sends an HTTP request to BigPanda as defined by the template. BigPanda then processes and correlates the alert data to create and maintain up-to-date incidents in BigPanda.


The Open Integration Manager is available for use with AppDynamics. For more information, see the Open Integration Manager documentation.

Key Features

  • Is resource-efficient for the AppDynamics controller; reuses one server thread for all alerts
  • Uses the Custom HTTP action feature in AppDynamics alerts

Install the Integration

Administrators can install the integration by following the on-screen instructions in BigPanda.

AppDynamics Data Model

BigPanda normalizes alert data from AppDynamics into tags. You can use tag values to filter the incident feed and to define filter conditions for Environments. The primary and secondary properties are also used during the deduplication and correlation processes.

Standard Tags

applicationName of the business application
messageSummary of the notification. For example: health rules have been violated
severitySeverity of the alert in AppDynamics
incidentAppDynamics incident identifier
app dynamics_urlURL to the Controller UI in AppDynamics for this event
event_guidUnique identifier for the AppDynamics event
appd_event_typeWhat type of event occurred

Options include: Health-rule or Error-event
affectedEntitiesList of the affected entities

This integration supports 4 types of entities: Application, Node, Tier, and Business Transaction.

For entities not already mapped to existing tags, BigPanda adds name and ID tags for the entity
objectConcatenation of the business application, tier name, and node name

titleConcatenation of the business application, tier name, and node name, delimited by colons.
For Example “Application: Tier: Node”
notesNotes describing the event that was triggered

The BigPanda AppDynamics integration files events into one of two classifications: Health Rule events and Error events. These classifications have tags that are specific to that type of event.

Health Rule Tags

health_ruleName of the health rule that was violated

incident_idName of the incident that was triggered

Error Event Tags

error_nameNormalized name of the error that occurred
error_display_nameAppDynamics display name for the error that occurred. secondary_property*

Custom Tags

The AppDynamics alert allows you to add extra fields, to be included as tags on the BigPanda alert. If you wish to add a tag not included in the above list, add the tag to the HTTP request template and update the include_fields list to include the field. For a list of variables that can be used in the AppDynamics HTTP request template, please consult the Predefined Templating Variables section of the AppDynamics documentation.

For more information on adding custom tags to the final BigPanda alert, please see the in-app AppDynamics integration documentation.

Deactivate the Integration in BigPanda

If you want to stop sending data to BigPanda but don’t want to delete your integration, you can temporarily deactivate it.

To deactivate an integration:

  1. In BigPanda, navigate to the Integrations tab and select the desired integration from the list. This will open integration details on the right side of the window.
  2. At the top of the integration details, click the Active/Inactive toggle next to the application name to change the status of the integration.


Alert Resolution for Inactive Integrations

Any active alerts belonging to an inactive integration must be manually resolved or they will stay in the system until the auto-resolve window is reached.

Uninstall AppDynamics

You must delete the BigPanda action, policy, and template from AppDynamics to stop sending alerts to BigPanda via the AppDynamics Webhook integration.

Before You Start

Manually resolve any open incidents related to the integration to remove them from your incident feed. Optionally, remove any additional data in BigPanda. For example, modify or remove any Environments or AutoShare rules that reference the integration.


  1. Log in to your AppDynamics controller.
  2. Go to Actions.
  3. Delete the BigPandaAlert action.
  4. Go to Application > Alert & Respond > Policies.
  5. Delete the BigPanda policy.
  6. Go to Alert & Respond > HTTP Request Templates.
  7. Click Delete beside the BigPandaAlertTemplate row.

Delete the Integration in BigPanda

  1. In BigPanda, navigate to the Integrations tab and select the desired integration from the list.
  2. In the integration details on the right of the page, click the trash icon, then confirm you want to delete the integration. The integration will then be removed immediately.


Alert Resolution for Deleted Integrations

All active alerts from the integration will be resolved after deletion.

️Data Removal

This procedure does not remove any data from the integrated system.

Release Notes

v3.0.0 (9/13/23)

v2.0.0 (10/12/21)

  • Error alert types now included
  • Note Field Added
  • Additional Tags Included


  • Initial release 🎉