Unified Analytics Standard Data Model

A list of the fields available for reporting on using the Unified Analytics Standard Data Model.


Limited Availability

This feature is available in a limited release. If you are interested in enabling this functionality for your organization, contact your BigPanda account team.

BigPanda’s Standard Data Model (SDM) defines the data elements available in all standard and custom ​Unified Analytics dashboards​​. Unified Analytics uses transformed data tables for report metrics and data relationship mapping. These tables are built based on the life cycle of incidents within BigPanda.

Understanding the data model and data elements is key to building powerful custom dashboards that can help you visualize, track, and understand your operational metrics.

Key features of SDM include:

  • Pre-defined joins that automatically connect the data tables into a single object view
  • Standardized terms and metrics to drive consistency across the platform
  • Pre-aggregated calculations that allow you to quickly see results rather than waiting for queries to return
  • Full management and support by BigPanda to ensure maximum uptime and access
Standard Data Model Flow

Standard Data Model Flow

Available Tables












Data Model Changes

Some of these data tables may have been adjusted to fit the custom tags of your organization.

Reach out to BigPanda support to add or change any data columns, for example to change timezones, concatenate tag fields, or whitelist specific fields from the Incident or Alert Tags. The fields in the data model cannot be changed by Designers.

Table Relationships to BigPanda Events

  • Alerts enter BigPanda (Entities)
  • Alerts are enriched with metadata and enrichment tags (Alert Tags)
  • Alerts are correlated into BigPanda Incidents (Incidents)
  • Alerts are further enriched automatically and manually with Incident Tags (Incident Tags)
  • The system and users take action on the incident, such as commenting, sharing, and entering or ending the flapping state (Incident Activities)

The INCIDENT_START_DATE table is provided in our data model to enable multiple time zone support and is based on incident start date.

The MTBF table provides aggregated metrics on the frequency of alerts at the Host/Check level for ease of reporting in the Mean Time Between Failures widget. For details on TTx metrics (assign, detect, resolve) for individual incidents, refer to the INCIDENT_PROCESSING table instead.

To learn more about how BigPanda deduplicates, correlates, and enriches alerts into incidents, see the Alert Correlation Logic documentation.

To learn more about how BigPanda processes, enriches, and resolves incidents, see the Incidents in BigPanda documentation.

To learn more about standard dashboards and using reporting tables in BigPanda, see the Unified Analytics and Unified Analytics Standard Dashboards documentation.

Standard Data Model

Standard Data Model


Primary Keys

In the tables below, column names written in bold text are the primary key for the table.


The Date table is provided in our data model to enable multiple time zone support and is based on incident start date.

Time Zones

Individual time zone fields are available for the DATE, DAY_NUM, DAY_NAME, and INCIDENT_START_FILTER columns.
The following time zones are available:

Time Zone CodeTime Zone NameTime Offset
UTCCoordinated Universal TimeUTC
EGTEast Greenland TimeUTC -1
HSTHawaii Standard TimeUTC -10
SSTSamoa Standard TimeUTC -11
PMDTPierre & Miquelon Daylight TimeUTC -2
ARTArgentina TimeUTC -3
NSTNewfoundland Standard TimeUTC -3:30
ASTAtlantic Standard TimeUTC -4
ESTEastern Standard TimeUTC -5
CSTCentral Standard TimeUTC -6
MSTMountain Standard TimeUTC -7
PSTPacific Standard TimeUTC -8
AKSTAlaska Standard TimeUTC -9
CETCentral European TimeUTC +1
AESTAustralian Eastern Standard TimeUTC +10
NZSTNew Zealand Standard TimeUTC +12
NZDTNew Zealand Daylight TimeUTC +13
LINTLine Islands TimeUTC +14
EETEastern European TimeUTC +2
EATEastern Africa TimeUTC +3
AMTArmenia TimeUTC +4
PKTPakistan Standard TimeUTC +5
BSTBangladesh Standard TimeUTC +6
ICTIndochina TimeUTC +7
HKTChina Standard TimeUTC +8
JSTJapan Standard TimeUTC +9
IndiaIndia Standard TimeUTC +5:30


Column NameDescriptionData TypeNotes
DATEThe translated event time. Multiple time zones are available for this field.Timestamp
DAY_NUMThe numerical day of the week that the system event occurred. Multiple time zones are available for this field.Number0=Sunday - 6=Saturday
DAY_NAMEThe name of the weekday that the system event occurred. Multiple time zones are available for this field.VarcharExample: Monday, Tuesday, etc.
MONTH_START_UTCThe first day of the month.Timestamp
DATE_RANK_MONTH_UTCThe month of the incident start time (UTC) in numeric format.Number
INCIDENT_START_FILTERThe translated event time. Multiple time zones are available for this field.TimestampThis field should only be used in filters, not dashboard widgets.
UNIX_TIMESTAMPThe incident epoch unix start time. (UTC).Number


Each alert is the aggregated group of deduplicated events in BigPanda. See Alerts for more information.

Column NameDescriptionData TypeNotes
ALERT_DEDUP_KEYField used to identify duplicate incoming alerts.Varchar
ALERT_END_DATE_TIME_UTCThe date/time when the alert resolved.Varchar
ALERT_END_TIME_EPOCHThe unix time of the alert resolution.Number
ALERT_HIGHEST_SEVERITYThe highest status the alert reported at any time.VarcharCan be used to find alerts that were critical at any point.
ALERT_IDThe unique identifier of the alert.Varchar
ALERT_LAST_CHANGED_TIME_EPOCHThe unix time of the last change made to an alert.Number
ALERT_START_DATE_TIME_UTCThe date/time that the alert started.Varchar
ALERT_START_TIME_EPOCHThe unix time that the alert started.Number
ALERT_STATUSThe current status of the alert.VarcharOne of:

alert tag columns *String value of an alert tag, defined by the column name.VarcharThe alert tags that are listed in Unified Analytics reporting are dynamic and will depend on your organization’s enrichment tags. Each tag will have its own value column. For example, you may see columns for host, app_tier, escalation_team, alert_category, etc.
BP_ALERT_QUALITYBigPanda categorizes alert quality based on the amount of enrichment or context available.VarcharHigh Quality Alerts - The most actionable type of alert with all important data needed for a team to triage and resolve the alert. High quality alerts usually include data on both technical and business context.

Medium Quality Alerts - An alert that contains the minimum level of information and technical context to support operator action. These alerts lack some valuable elements such as business context, dependencies, or resolution steps.

Low Quality Alerts - Alerts that lack key information or which were identified as irrelevant or misconfigured.
BP_BUSINESS_CATEGORYA logical type of alert that can be connected to a meaningful function, service, or a recurring topic. This can be a function such as, application, infrastructure, service, etc. It can also be a more technical alert category such as latency, load, etc.VarcharDefault fields are:

BP_BUSINESS_SEGMENTA business portion or unit that drives unique action or functionality.VarcharFor example, a high-level Business Unit, Team, Group, or Organization.

Default fields are:

BP_CONFIG_ITEMAn aggregated field used to capture the relevant configuration item.VarcharDefault fields are:


A custom field can also be set.
INCIDENT_IDThe unique identifier of the incident.VarcharKey used to connect the incident table.
PRIMARY_PROPERTY_KEYThe tag name of the primary property.Varchar
SEARCH_CHECKDirect link to the BigPanda console querying the normalized_check tag.Varchar
SEARCH_HOSTDirect link to the BigPanda console querying the normalized_host tag.Varchar
SECONDARY_PROPERTY_KEYThe tag name of the secondary property.Varchar
SOURCE_SYSTEMThe monitoring system that sent the alert. (cleaned)Varchar
SOURCE_SYSTEM_CODEThe monitoring system that sent the alert.Varchar
TAGS_JOIN_KEYConcatenated normalized_host and normalized_check.VarcharKey used to connect the MTBF table.


All tags of an alert with normalized fields.

Column NameDescriptionData TypeNotes
ALERT_IDThe unique identifier of the alert.Varchar
ALERT_START_MINUTEThe unix time of when the alert started, in minutes.Number
ALERT_STATUS_CHANGESThe number of times the alert has changed status.NumberStatus count includes the initial status. Changes to the ok statuses are not counted.

For example, if an alert has an initial status of critical, then changes to warning, then to ok, then to critical, then to ok, the status count would be 3.
INCIDENT_IDThe unique identifier of the incident.Varchar
PROCESSING_DATEThe date when the data was inserted into the data warehouse. This column is the cluster key for this table.Date


An incident activity is a single action a user performs in BigPanda.

Column NameDescriptionData TypeNotes
ACTIVITY_COMMENTComment included with an activity.Varchar
ACTIVITY_ENVIRONMENTThe name of the environment where the activity took place.Varchar
ACTIVITY_IDThe unique identifier of the activity.Varchar
ACTIVITY_START_MINUTEThe unix time when the activity initiated in BigPanda.Number
ACTIVITY_TYPEThe type of activity.VarcharThe following activity types are available:

CREATED_TIMEThe unix time when the action was taken.Number
CREATOR_USER_IDThe ID of the user that took the action in BigPanda.Varchar
FLAPPING_STATEWhether or not the related incident is flapping.VarcharTrue indicates that the incident is currently flapping.

False indicates that the incident was flapping at one point but isn’t currently.

N/A indicates that the incident has never been flapping.
INCIDENT_IDThe unique identifier of the incident.Varchar
PROCESSING_DATEThe date when the data was inserted into the data warehouse. This column is the cluster key for this table.Date
PROCESSING_TIMEThe date time when the data was inserted into the data warehouse.Timestamp
SHARE_AUTOWhether the related incident was AutoShared.Boolean
SHARE_TARGETThe name of the system the related incident was shared to.Varchar
SHARED_ACTIVITY_TARGET_SYSTEM_CODEBigPanda’s unique identifier of the system the related incident was shared to.Varchar


Users who perform actions on an incident.

Column NameDescriptionData Type
CREATED_ATThe date and time when the user was created.Timestamp
EMAILThe email address of the user who performed the action.Varchar
FIRST_LOGINThe date and time when the user first logged in to BigPanda.Timestamp
LAST_LOGINThe date and time when the user last logged in to BigPanda.Timestamp
NAMEThe BigPanda UI name of the user who performed the action.Varchar
PROCESSING_TIMEThe date and time when the data was inserted into the data warehouse.Timestamp
ROLESThe access roles assigned to the user who performed the action.Varchar
USER_IDThe unique identifier of the user who performed the action.Varchar


Pre-aggregated metric totals for Time to Assign / Detect / Resolve (TTA, TTD, and TTR)

Column NameDescriptionData Type
INCIDENT_IDThe unique identifier of the incident.Varchar
PROCESSING_DATEThe date when the data was inserted into the data warehouse. This column is the cluster key for this table.Date
PROCESSING_TIMEThe date and time when the data was inserted into the data warehouse.Timestamp
RECORD_TIMEThe date and time when the data was updated.Timestamp
TIME_TO_ASSIGN_MINSThe number of minutes it took to assign the incident.Number
TIME_TO_ENGAGE_MINSThe number of minutes before action was taken on the incident.Number
TIME_TO_RESOLVE_MINSThe number of minutes it took to resolve the incident.Number


A single BigPanda incident.


Incident Tags

Since custom incident tags can be added to the Unified Analytics data model, each organization may have variations in the Incidents (Dim) table.

If you’d like to customize your data model with incident tags, reach out to BigPanda support.

Column NameDescriptionData TypeNotes
ALERT_ACTIONABLE_SCORENumerical score that determines whether an alert is actionable or not.NumberThe bp_v_actionable and bp_v_business_segment tags determine actionability. The following calculations are used to determine the score:

WHEN _bp_v_actionable IS NOT NULL AND LOWER(_bp_v_actionable) != 'false' THEN the score is 1

WHEN LOWER(_bp_v_actionable) = 'false' THEN the score is NULL

WHEN _bp_v_business_segment IS NOT NULL THEN the score is 0
ALERT_QUALITY_SCOREThe alert quality score. BigPanda categorizes alert quality based on the amount of enrichment or context available.NumberThe following scores are used:

Low quality = null
Medium quality = 0
High quality = 1
BP_INCIDENT_ACTIONABLEAn incident that contains high quality alerts enriched with both technical and business context.VarcharThe following criteria is used to determine if an incident is actionable:

- Explicitly defined as actionable using bp_v_actionable tag

- Enriched with business context using the bp_v_business_segment tag

- Incident was acted upon

- Not defined as noise using the bp_v_alert_noise tag
BP_INCIDENT_CLOSUREThe workflow status of an incident.VarcharBased on actions, incidents are categorized as:

- Shared - The incident was manually shared
- Auto Shared - The incident was AutoShared
- Auto Resolved - The incident was resolved externally
- Missed - The incident resolved itself without intervention, no action was taken on the incident
- No Action - The incident was resolved manually in BigPanda with no other incident action taken
- Resolved in BP - Action was taken on the incident, and the incident was resolved within BigPanda
- Still Open - Incident is still open
BP_INCIDENT_OUTLIERIncidents are set as an outlier if:

- Assign time is over a day
- Engage time is over a day
- Resolution time is over a week

If an incident isn’t an outlier, the setting is Valid
BP_INCIDENT_QUALITYBigPanda categorizes alert quality based on the amount of enrichment or context available.VarcharHigh - The most actionable type of alert with all important data needed for a team to triage and resolve the alert. High quality alerts usually include data on both technical and business context.

Medium - An alert that contains the minimum level of information and technical context to support operator action. These alerts lack some valuable elements such as business context, dependencies, or resolution steps.

Low - Alerts that lack key information or which were identified as irrelevant or misconfigured.
BP_INCIDENT_RESOLUTION_BUCKETIncidents are placed in resolution buckets depending upon the time to resolve.VarcharResolution buckets include the following:

Still Open
Under 5 min
5 - 30 min
30 - 60 min
1 - 4 hours
4 - 24 hours
1 - 7 days
Over a week
FIRST_ACTIONThe unix time when the first action was taken on the incident.Number
INCIDENT_CLOSUREThe numerical closure status of an incident.NumberThe following statuses are used:

0 = Still Open
1 = Shared
2 = AutoShared
3 = Resolved in BP
4 = Auto Resolved
5 = No Action
INCIDENT_END_DATE_TIME_UTCThe date/time of the incident resolution.Varchar
INCIDENT_END_TIME_EPOCHThe unix time of the incident resolution.Number
INCIDENT_HIGHEST_SEVERITYThe highest severity status that the incident reached.VarcharCan be used to differentiate incidents that were critical at any point
INCIDENT_HYPERLINKURL of your organization’s "All incidents" environment and the incident ID spliced.VarcharCan be used in tables or aggregated tables to provide hyperlinks to the incident.
INCIDENT_IDThe incident identifier.Varchar
INCIDENT_LAST_CHANGED_TIME_EPOCHThe unix time of the last status change.Number
INCIDENT_RESOLUTION_BUCKET_SCOREScore of the incident resolution in minutes.NumberThe following scores are used:

1 = less than 5min
2 = less than 30min
3 = less than 60min
4 = less than 240min
5 = less than 1440min
6 = less than 10080min
7 = more than 10080min
INCIDENT_START_DATE_TIME_UTCThe date/time that the incident started.Varchar
INCIDENT_START_TIME_EPOCHThe unix time that the incident started.Number
INCIDENT_STATUSThe current status of the incident.VarcharOne of:

MANUAL_CORRELATIONDetermines if a BigPanda user manually correlated the incident in the UI.Varchar
NUM_OF_ALERTSThe number of unique alerts correlated with the incident.Number
SINGLE_DISPOSITION_INCIDENT_IDShows the incident_id if the activity_type is one of the following:

- split
- merge
- snoozed
- commented
- assigned
- manual-resolve
- shared
TIME_TO_ASSIGN_MINSThe number of minutes it took to assign the incident.Number
TIME_TO_ENGAGE_MINSThe number of minutes before action was taken on the incident.Number
TIME_TO_RESOLVE_MINSThe number of minutes to resolve the incident.Number


Mean Time Between Failures. Calculations to assist with querying the Alert Analysis Report. This table represents aggregated results of the data in the Incident Metrics table. See Unified Analytics Key Metrics for more information about MTBF.

Column NameDescriptionData Type
MTBF_CHECKThe check tag (not normalized).Varchar
MTBF_HOSTThe host tag (not normalized).Varchar
MTBF_LAST_SEENThe date/time that the mean time between failures was last seen.Varchar
MTBF_MEAN_TIME_BETWEEN_FAILURES_HRSThe mean time between failures, in hours.Number
MTBF_OCCURRENCESThe number of times mean time between failures occurred.Number
TAGSJOINKEYField used to connect MTBF data to the alert.Varchar


BigPanda events associated with a maintenance plan.

Column NameDescriptionData Type
EVENT_IDSystem generated ID of the event.Varchar
MAINTENANCE_ALERT_IDID of the alert affected by the maintenance plan.Varchar
MAINTENANCE_PLAN_IDUnique identifier of the maintenance plan.Varchar
PROCESSING_DATEThe date when the data was inserted into the data warehouse. This column is the cluster key for this table.Date
PROCESSING_TIMEThe date and time when the data was inserted into the data warehouse.Timestamp


Maintenance plans used to silence alerts in BigPanda.

Column NameDescriptionData Type
CONDITIONThe BPQL condition used to define which alerts should be suppressed during the maintenance period.Variant
CREATED_ATThe date and time when the maintenance plan was created.Timestamp
CREATED_BYThe user who created the maintenance plan.Varchar
CUSTOM_TAGSCustom tags used by your organization.Variant
DESCRIPTIONDescription of the maintenance plan.Varchar
END_TIMEThe unix time that the maintenance ended.Timestamp
FREQUENCYHow often the maintenance plan has run.Varchar
MAINTENANCE_KEYSystem generated unique identifier for the maintenance plan.Varchar
MAINTENANCE_PLAN_IDSystem generated unique identifier for the maintenance plan.Varchar
PLAN_NAMEThe name of the maintenance plan.Varchar
PROCESSING_DATEThe date when the data was inserted into the data warehouse. This column is the cluster key for this table.Date
PROCESSING_TIMEThe date and time when the data was inserted into the data warehouse.Timestamp
START_TIMEThe unix time when the maintenance started.Timestamp
UPDATED_ATThe unix time when the maintenance plan was last updated.Timestamp
UPDATED_BYThe user who last updated the maintenance plan.Varchar

Next Steps

Learn how to Manage Unified Analytics Reports

Find definitions of key metrics for Unified Analytics

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