Maintenance Plans V2

Maintenance plans mark and correlate incidents to reduce noise during system maintenance windows.

Use the Maintenance Plans API to define time windows that parallel infrastructure changes of respective monitored services.

Maintenance Plans are configured in BPQL Object format and, once activated, mark events that match the criteria for maintenance. Origin tags supplied by a monitoring source and enriched tags automatically generated by the Enrichment API are also supported for querying.

Relevant Permissions

See the Manage Planned Maintenance guide for a full explanation of the permissions required to access the Maintenance Plans section, the Alert Filter Plans API and the Maintenance Plans V2 API:

To learn more about how BigPanda's permissions work, see the Roles Management guide.


Plan Limit

Each organization can only have 3,500 maintenance plans at a time.


Condition Limitations

Maintenance plan conditions cannot be longer than 25,000 characters long.

All alert tags in maintenance plan conditions are case-insensitive.

Not all tags are available for maintenance plan conditions. See the Tag Naming documentation for a list of tags that have limited functionality in BigPanda.

Available Objects & Actions

ObjectDescriptionSupported MethodsAPI Endpoint
Maintenance Plan ObjectDefines the schema for configuring a plan and schedule.POST, GET, PATCH, DELETE<>

Use the Maintenance Plans V2 to perform these actions:

Create a PlanPOST /maintenance-plansCreates a new schema definition for creating a new maintenance plan.
Retrieve a PlanGET /maintenance-plans/{id}Retrieves the schema definition for a specific maintenance plan.
Retrieve All PlansGET /maintenance-plansRetrieves the schema definitions for all maintenance plans.
Update a PlanPATCH /maintenance-plans/{id}Updates a specific maintenance plan.
Delete a PlanDELETE /maintenance-plans/{id}Deletes a specific maintenance plan and removes it from the system.
Stop PlanPOST /maintenance-plans/{id}/stopStops a specific maintenance plan. Note: Only active plans can be stopped.

To learn more about Maintenance Plans v2, see Manage Planned Maintenance


API Key Authentication Protocol

A User API Key is required for authentication.


Rate Limitations

To maintain quality of service, BigPanda APIs are limited to 5 requests per second.
Additional requests will return a 429 response code and the request will need to be retried.


Time Zones and Daylight Savings

The time zone of a maintenance plan is determined by the browser time zone settings of the user who created the plan. For example, if a user in the EST time zone creates a maintenance plan that starts at 5 AM EST, users in the PST time zone will see the plan begin at 2 AM PST.

Maintenance plans use a fixed Unix epoch time, so plan windows will not adjust for Daylight Savings Time.