OIM Send Alerts

Send alert events through the API to the Open Integration Manager.



The Open Integration Manager offers additional flexibility with authentication parameters. The following syntax can be used for the Token and App Key:

Auth Token:
query string: access_token=<token>
header: Authorization: Bearer <token>
header: x-auth-token: <token>

App Key:
query string: app_key=<app_key>
header: x-app-key: <app_key>
header: app_key: <app_key>
body: { "app_key": "<app_key>" }

This means that an alert can be sent to BigPanda even if the monitoring tool is not able to include any information in the API call's header, like in the example below:

Sample Calls

curl -request POST \
https://integrations.bigpanda.io/oim/api/alerts \
	-header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -header 'Authorization: Bearer <ORG TOKEN>' \
  -data '{ "app_key": "<app_key>",
    "status": "critical",
    "host": "production-database-1",
    "check": "CPU overloaded",
    "timestamp": 1402303570,
    "application": "Billing",
    "count": 47,
    "description": "CPU is above warning limit (40%)",}'
curl -request POST \
https://eu.integrations.bigpanda.io/oim/api/alerts \
	-header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -header 'Authorization: Bearer <ORG TOKEN>' \
  -data '{ "app_key": "<app_key>",
    "status": "critical",
    "host": "production-database-1",
    "check": "CPU overloaded",
    "timestamp": 1402303570,
    "application": "Billing",
    "count": 47,
    "description": "CPU is above warning limit (40%)",}'

Event Properties

The attributes included in the JSON payload become tags in BigPanda.

You can add any number of custom JSON attributes with a string, integer, or array value to the payload. Common fields include host, host, service, application, device, check, sensor, cluster, node, data center, region, and description.

When configuring the data to send through the OIM Alerts API, send attributes that:

  • Drive deduplication, correlation, and UI titling. Event attributes enable BigPanda to turn noisy events into high-quality alerts and actionable incidents.
  • Add context about the event, including where or when the alert triggered. Additional information helps your team understand the full situation while investigating an issue.
  • Enable automation and categorization. Tags such as business element or team help you build environments, AutoShare rules, analytics, and workflows.
  • Set next steps for triage and remediation. Including links to runbook wikis or investigation tools helps your team take action quicker. If a tag value starts with http, BigPanda automatically adds a link button.