Update an Alert Filter

Updates an existing alert filter.


Renamed API

The Alert Filter Plans API was previously called V1 Maintenance Plans or V1 Plans. The functionality of the API has not changed, but the name has been updated to clarify which BigPanda feature the API manages.



All BigPanda APIs require Bearer Token Authorization in the call headers.

This API uses the Org Token type of Authorization token.


Condition Limitations

Alert filter conditions cannot be longer than 25,000 characters long.

All alert tags in alert filter conditions are case-insensitive.


Schedule ID

The schedule ID is needed to add a schedule to a filter.


Filter ID

The plan ID for Alert Filters created in the BigPanda UI, can be extracted from the URL of the filter in the BigPanda UI.


OK Status

By default, alert filters ignore events that have an ok status. These events will still enter the system and resolve any related open alerts.

This setting can be changed by explicitly including the exclude_status field as an empty array.

BPQL Object Formatting

The condition body parameter uses special BPQL object formatting. See BPQL Object Syntax for more information.

Example BPQL Objects:

CommandBPQL StringBPQL Object
Wildcard *host = prod-api-*{ "=": [ "host", { "type": "regex", "value": "prod-api-*" }]}
Formal Regex Searchhost = /prod-api-.*/{ "=": [ "host", { "type": "formal-regex", "value": "prod-api-.*" }]}

Sample Call

curl --request PATCH
     --url https://api.bigpanda.io/resources/v1.0/plans/${id} \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ORG TOKEN>}' \
     --data '{
        "active": false
curl --request PATCH
     --url https://eu-api.bigpanda.io/resources/v1.0/plans/${id} \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ORG TOKEN>}' \
     --data '{
        "active": false