Maintenance Plans Object

Defines the schema for configuring a maintenance plan.

API Endpoint
Supported MethodsPOST, GET, PATCH, DELETE

Additional object parameters will be added in-system upon creation of a maintenance plan. These fields should not be included in Post or Patch calls.


The Maintenance Plans object schema includes the following attributes:

idSystem-generated unique identifier for a maintenance plan.String
statusThe maintenance plan's status.String
maintenance_keyThird party (Jira, ServiceNow, etc.) system key for integrated maintenance management.

If no integration key is included in the call, a system ID will be added automatically.
nameUser-defined name for the plan.String
startUnix epoch time when the scheduled plan starts (in seconds).

For recurring plans, this time should be the start of the first maintenance window.
endUnix epoch time when the scheduled plan ends (in seconds).

For recurring plans, this time should be the date when the plan should stop repeating.
conditionMaintenance condition in BPQL Object format. Cannot be longer than 80,000 characters.String
frequencyHow often the scheduled plan should silence alerts.

One of:
- Once
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly

Default is OnceThis field is case-insensitive.
frequency_dataFor recurring plans only

Defines the plan window when alerts should be silenced each period.

See the Frequency Data Object table for detailed attributes.
descriptionBrief user-defined summary of the maintenance plan.String
custom_tagsMetadata about the plan in an array of key:value pairs.
name - name of the tag
value - value of the tag
Array of Objects
created_atSystem Field

Unix epoch time when the plan was created (in seconds).
created_bySystem Field

The ID of the user who created the plan.
updated_atSystem Field

Unix epoch time when the plan was last updated (in seconds).
updated_bySystem Field

The ID of the user who last updated the plan.

Frequency Data Object Parameters

The 'frequency_data' object schema includes the following attributes:

relativityRequired for plans using relative monthly dates
What week in the month the window should take place.
One of:- First- Second- Third- Fourth- Last
Last will trigger in the 5th week for months with a 5th week, and otherwise default to the 4th.
durationRequired for all recurring plans.The length of time the plan should run in seconds.Integer
current_runSystem-generated field

Unix epoch time when the current running maintenance window began (in seconds)
next_runSystem-generated field

Unix epoch time when the next scheduled maintenance window starts (in seconds)

Sample Object:

    "name": "host1 maintenance", 
    "condition": {"=": ["host", "prod-api-1"]}, 
    "start": 1733904622, 
    "end": 1734768622,
    "description": "this is a description",
      "name" : "app",
      "value" : "esp"
     } ],
    "frequency": "Weekly",
    "frequency_data": {
        "relativity": "First",
        "duration": 10800,
        "current_run": 1684324800,
        "next_run": 1684335600