Batch Alert Resolution

Use the Alert Resolution API to resolve individual alerts in bulk

The Batch Alert Resolution API allows you to resolve BigPanda alerts individually or in bulk.

For each alert listed in the array, BigPanda schedules the status to set to 'ok', resolving the alert.

If all alerts within an incident are resolved, the incident will resolve as normal. If BigPanda receives a status update other than 'ok' within the reopen window, the alert and incident will reopen as normal.



No validation happens during job scheduling to note bad alert ids. During resolution, bad ids are logged at the alert level, but ignored.


Environment ID

The environment ID can extracted from the URL of the BigPanda console in browser, or it can be retrieved through the Environments API


Alert IDs

Alert IDs can be found using the Incidents V2 API. Use the Search Incidents or Retrieve Incidents by ID call to retrive a list of alert IDs from within an incident.

Relevant Permissions

Resolver permissions are defined by environment role access. To resolve alerts, a user will need access to take action on alerts in the specified environment or all environments.

Environments_Incident_ActionsResolve alerts from any environment
Environments_Full_AccessResolve alerts from any environment
\*\_Incident_ActionsGranular - Resolve alerts from the specified environment

To learn more about how BigPanda's permissions work, see the RBAC - Role Based Access Control guide.


Authentication Necessary

All BigPanda APIs require Bearer Token Authorization in the call headers.

This API uses the User API Key type of Authorization token.


Rate Limitations

To maintain quality of service, the Batch Alert Resolution API is limited to 1 call per second with no more than 500 alerts per request

Additional requests will return a 429 response code and the request will need to be retried.

Available Actions

Use the Alert Resolver API to perform these actions:

Resolve AlertsPOST
Sets the status for each alert to 'ok'