Audit Log Resource Objects

Defines the schema for resources reported on by the audit log.

API Endpoint
Supported MethodsGET

BigPanda audit logs report on Create, Update, and Delete actions for these resources:

  • Alert Correlation Patterns
  • Alert Enrichment including:
    • Tags
    • Tags Order
    • Tag Enrichments
    • Tag Enrichments Order
    • Mapping Enrichment Schema
    • Mapping Table Upload
  • API Keys
  • AutoShare Settings
  • Environments
  • Integrations
  • JIT Provisioning
  • Maintenance Plans
  • Roles
  • SAML Attribute Mapping
  • SSO Configuration
  • SSO Test
  • Users

Alert Correlation Pattern Parameters

The correlation_pattern object schema includes the following attributes:

Attribute Description Type 
filterA BPQL query to filter incoming alerts. Only matched alerts will be correlated based on the pattern.String
cross_sourceDetermines if alerts can be correlated from different source systems into the same incident. Default is false.Boolean
time_windowTime frame to determine correlation in minutes.Integer
updated_atThe Unix Epoch time that the correlation pattern was last updated.Timestamp (in seconds)
updated_byThe ID of the user who last updated the correlation pattern.User ID
activeWhether the pattern should be applied to incoming alerts.Boolean
created_atThe Unix Epoch time that the correlation pattern was created.Timestamp (in seconds)
idSystem-generated unique identifier for the correlation pattern.String
created_byThe ID of the user who created the correlation pattern.User ID
tagsArray of tag name(s) to correlate within the pattern.At least 1 item must appear in the array.No more than 5 items in the array.No duplicate names in the array.Array

Sample Alert Correlation Pattern Object

  "resource_type": "correlation_pattern",
  "resource_id": "631471d494528700126ca555",
  "timestamp": 1662284339,
  "object": {
    "filter": "cluster=_prod_",
    "cross_source": true,
    "time_window": 1-4320,
    "updated_at": 1372854204,
    "updated_by": "3123kjlhfasdlkjfh",
    "active": true,
    "created_at": "1493922189",
    "id": "631471d494528700126a5559",
    "created_by": "3123kjlhfasdlkjfh",
    "tags": ["service","check"]

Alert Enrichment Parameters

Alert Enrichment audit logs report on several sub-objects including:

  • Tag
  • Tags Order
  • Tag Enrichments
  • Tag Enrichments Order
  • Mapping Enrichment
  • Mapping Table Upload

Tag Object

The tag object schema includes the following attributes:

nameTag name in BigPanda.String
created_byThe unique ID associated with the user who created the tag.String
created_atThe Unix epoch time when the tag was created (in seconds).Timestamp
updated_byThe unique ID associated with the user who last updated the tag.String
updated_atThe Unix epoch time when the tag was last updated (in seconds).Timestamp
descriptionA brief summary of the tagString
activeWhether the tag should be applied to incoming alerts.Boolean
enrichmentsList of automatic enrichment items configured for this tag. Items are listed in their run order.Array of Objects

Sample Alert Tag Object:

 "resource_type": "tag",
 "resource_id": "631471d494528700126ca555",
 "timestamp": 1662284339,
 "object": {
   "name": “region”,
   "created_by": "60c5238222fa55553d93d555",
   "created_at": 1635260171,
   "updated_by": "60c5238222fa55553d93d555",
   "updated_at": 1662284281,
   "description": "line of business",
   "active": true,
   "enrichments": [
     { "type": "extraction",
       "active": true,
       "when": {},
       "config": {
         "source": "host",
         "destination": "tag_name",
         "regex": "(.*)",
         "template": null
       "note": null
        "type": "composition",
        "active": true,
        "when": {},
        "config": {
          "destination": "tag_name",
          "value": "val-${host6666}"
        "note": ""

Tags Order Object

The tag_order object schema includes the following attributes:

Attribute Description Type 
created_byThe user who created the tag order.String
alert_tags_orderAlert tags listed in the order they should be run. By default, tags are ordered by creation time.Array of Strings

Sample Tag Order Object:

  "resource_type": "tag_order",
  "resource_id": "631471d494528700126ca555",
  "timestamp": 1662284339,
  "object": {
    "created_by": "60c5238222fa55553d93d555",
    "alert_tags_order": ["owner", "cluster", "host"]

Alert Enrichment Object

The tag_enrichments object schema includes the following attributes:

idSystem-generated unique identifier for the automatic enrichment item.String
typeAutomatic Enrichment rule type.One of: composition, extractionString
activeWhether the rule should be applied to incoming alerts.Boolean
whenA BPQL query to filter incoming alerts. Only matched alerts will receive a value based on the enrichment item.Object
versionInternal version number of the current enrichment item.This number is incremented automatically each time the item is updated.Integer
configRules for building or extracting tag values from event data.Configuration attributes are unique to the enrichment type. See the Config Attributes tables for more information.Object
created_byThe unique ID associated with the user who created the enrichment item.String
updated_byThe unique ID associated with the user who last updated the enrichment item.String
noteA description of the enrichment item purpose or functionality.String

Sample Alert Enrichment Object:

  "resource_type": "tag_enrichments",
  "resource_id": "631471d494528700126ca555",
  "timestamp": 1662284339,
  "object": {
    "id": "191217f6-481d-464e-9f12-3ed846a72555",
    "type": "composition",
    "active": true,
    "when": {
      "IN": ["source_system", ["type": "regex", "value": "*"}]]
    "version": 1,
    "config": {
      “source”: “nagios”,
      "destination": "tag_name",
      "value": "val-${host6666}"
    "created_by": "60c5238222fa55553d93d555",
    "updated_by": "60c5238222fa55553d93d555",
    "note": "special extraction for nagios"

Tag Enrichments Order Object

The tag_enrichments_order object schema includes the following attributes:

Attribute Description Type 
created_byThe user who created the enrichment item order.String
enrichment_orderEnrichment items listed in the order they should be run. By default, items are ordered by creation time.Array of Strings

Sample Tag Enrichment Order Object

  "resource_type": "tag_enrichments_order",
  "resource_id": "631471d494528700126ca555",
  "timestamp": 1662284339,
  "object": {
    "created_by": "60c5238222fa55553d93d555",
    "enrichment_order": [

Mapping Enrichment Object

The mapping_enrichment object schema includes the following attributes:

idSystem-generated unique identifier for the enrichment map schema.String
typeEnrichment function type used to create enrichment items.Must be “mapping” for mapping enrichment endpoints.String
activeWhether the mapping rules should be applied to incoming alerts.Boolean
whenBPQL query to filter incoming alerts. Only matched alerts will receive a value based on the automatic enrichment item.Object
versionInternal version number of the current schema. This number is incremented automatically each time the schema is updated.Integer
configRules for mapping tag values to event data.See the Mapping Enrichment Configuration table for details.Object
created_byThe unique ID associated with the user who created the mapping enrichment rule.String
updated_byThe unique ID associated with the user who last updated the mapping enrichment rule.String
note (optional)A description of the mapping rule purpose or functionality.String

Sample Mapping Enrichment Object

  "resource_type": "mapping_enrichment",
  "resource_id": "631471d494528700126ca555",
  "timestamp": 1662284339,
  "object": {
    "id": "1234a53b6789c12d3efg45h",
    "type": "mapping",
    "active": true,
    "when": { "IN": [ "source_system", [ { "type": "regex", "value": "*" } ] ] },
    "version": 1,
    "config": {
      "name": "example",
     "fields": [ {
         "title": "application",
         "type": "query_tag",
         "tag_name": "yes",
         "override_existing": true,
         "optional": false
         "title": "walla",
         "type": "result_tag",
         "tag_name": "walla", "override_existing": false
      "id_generation_function": "use_md5",
      "case_insensitive": false
    "created_by": "631471d494528700126a5559",
    "updated_by": "631471d494528700126a5559",
    "note": "Current runbook table"

Mapping Table Upload Object

The mapping_table_upload object schema includes the following attributes:

total_countTotal number of results. Returned with a GET call only.Integer
itemsThe mapping data, in a JSON bodyArray of strings

Sample Mapping Table Upload Object

  "resource_type": "mapping_table_upload",
  "resource_id": "631471d494528700126ca555",
  "timestamp": 1662284339,
  "object": {
    "total_count": 473,
    "items": [
       "application": "sale24s",
       "yes_sir": "first_tag_dynamic_value_2",
       "no_sir": "second_tag_dynamic_value_2"
       "application": "billing23",
       "yes_sir": "first_tag_dynamic_value",
       "no_sir": "second_tag_dynamic_value"

API Keys Parameters

The api_keys object schema includes the following attributes:

idSystem-generated unique identifier for the API key.String
activeWhether or not the API key is currently active.Boolean
created_atThe Unix epoch time when the API key was created (In seconds).Timestamp
created_byThe system-generated unique identifier of the user who created the API key.String
descriptionUser-defined description of the API key.String
last_usedThe Unix epoch time when the API key was last used (In seconds).Timestamp
nameUser-defined name of the API key.String
organizationThe system-generated unique ID of the organization associated with the API key.String
userThe system-generated unique ID of the user associated with the API key.String

Sample API Keys Object

    "id": "669f9f5ac897605fc70eea98",
    "active": true,
    "created_at": 1721737050,
    "created_by": "651ee43333b38e4a5a19c514",
    "description": "",
    "last_used": 1721737134,
    "name": "Test",
    "organization": "63d10d1baf10bd1300ffae1b",
    "user": "651ee43333b38e4a5a19c514"

AutoShare Configuration Parameters

The auto_share_rules object schema includes the following attributes:

idSystem-generated unique identifier for the AutoShare rule.String
env_idThe environment that the incident was shared from.String
target_system_idThe name of the integration that incidents will be shared to.String
nameUI name for the AutoShare rule, which includes environment and target integration names.String
paramsSettings for share and frequency. The attributes are:autoshare_options configuration settings, including share delayObject

Sample AutoShare Configuration Object:

  "resource_type": "environment",
  "resource_id": "631471d494528700126ca555",
  "timestamp": 1662284339,
  "object": {
    "target_system_id": "ai-analysis.automated_incident_analysis",
    "env_id": "f38469c6-356c-4ad9-85e9-88b69c627984",
    "name": "P0 All (ai-analysis.automated_incident_analysis)",
    "id": "f38469c6-356c-4ad9-85e9-88b69c627984_ai-analysis.automated_incident_analysis_0",
    "params": {
      "autoshare_options": {
      "share_delay_seconds": 120

Environment Parameters

The environment object schema includes the following attributes:

Attribute Description Type 
filterA BPQL query to filter incoming incidents. Only matched incidents will be placed in the environment.String
updated_atThe Unix Epoch time that the environment was last updated.Timestamp (in seconds)
created_atThe Unix Epoch time that the environment was created.Timestamp (in seconds)
nameThe name of the environment as displayed in the BigPanda UI.String
idSystem-generated unique identifier for the environment.String

Sample Environment Object:

  "resource_type": "environment",
  "resource_id": "631471d494528700126ca555",
  "timestamp": 1662284339,
  "object": {
    "filter": "filter":"(source_system = /.*\\..*/ AND zero_impact != \"true\") OR (source_system = \"scout.default\" AND zero_impact != \"true\")",
    "updated_at": 1669032359,
    "created_at": "1669031477",
    "name": "inoc-team",
    "id": "637b6635c0ec7912005d58f8"

Integrations Parameters

The integrations object schema includes the following attributes:

target_system_idUnique name for the integration.String
stream_idSystem-generated app_key for the integration.String
updated_atThe Unix Epoch time that the environment was last updated.Timestamp (in seconds)
orgThe name of the BigPanda Organization where the update occurred.String
changesList of updated configuration properties with key, old_value and new_value.Array of Objects

Sample Integrations Object:

  "target_system_id": "emailparser.1234",
  "stream_id": "2226ba0c9d377143dba39656d725fc9b",
  "updated_at": 1706896027,
  "org": "bigpanda",
  "changes": [{
    "key": "status",
    "old_value": {
      "status_map": {
        "critical": ["off"],
        "ok": ["better"]
      "default_to": "critical",
      "source": "body"
    "new_value": {
      "status_map": {
        "critical": ["off"],
        "ok": ["better"],
        "warning": ["warning"]
      "default_to": "critical",
      "source": "body"
  }, {
    "key": "allow_list",
    "old_value": ["*"],
    "new_value": [[email protected]"]

JIT Provisioning

The jit_domains object schema includes the following attributes:

idThe system-generated unique ID for the domain.String
nameThe name of the domain.String
roleThe default BigPanda role associated with the domain.Array of Strings
organizationThe system-generated unique ID of the organization.String

Sample JIT Provisioning Object

    "id": "065a29561e1fe01f03f17644",            
    "domain": "",            
    "role": {                
        "id": "6542b144f4cc16a1a455dd7c"            
    "organization": "6542b1aa43cf5112000c8b55"        

Maintenance Plan and Alert Filtering Parameters

The alert_filtering object schema includes the following attributes:

plan_nameName of the maintenance plan or alert filter associated with the action.String
plan_idThe ID number of the maintenance plan or alert filter.String
plan_statusThe current status of the maintenance plan or alert filter.String
plan_typeThe type of plan - either maintenance_plan or filtering_plan, depending on if you created a Maintenance Plan or an Alert Filter.String
time_windowDetails of the maintenance plan's time window and whether or not it's recurring. Contains the attributes:

start - Unix epoch time when the scheduled plan starts (in seconds).

end - Unix epoch time when the scheduled plan ends (in seconds).

frequency - How often a recurring plan is scheduled to run.

frequency_data - Array of objects that defines the plan window for recurring plans.

- duration - Length of time the plan should run (in seconds).

    - current_run - Unix epoch time when the current running maintenance window began (in seconds).

    - next_run - Unix epoch time when the next scheduled maintenance window starts (in seconds).

    - relativity - What week in the month the window should take place.
Array of Objects
updated_fieldsThe field that was updated in the maintenance plan.

field_name - The name of the updated field.

old_value - The old field value that was changed.

current_value - The updated field value.
Array of Objects

Sample Maintenance Plan/Alert Filtering Object

        "object": {
            "plan_name": "Monthly Cleanup",
            "plan_id": "641de370310000dc501081b2",
            "plan_status": "planned",
            "plan_type": "maintenance_plan",
            "time_window": {
                "start": 1679680834,
                "end": 32788738800,
                "frequency": "Monthly",
                "frequency_data": {
                    "duration": 12600,
                    "current_run": null,
                    "next_run": 1690574400,
                    "relativity": null
            "updated_fields": [
                    "field_name": "end",
                    "old_value": "32605567199",
                    "new_value": "32788738800"
        "resource_id": "641de370310000dc501081b2",
        "resource_type": "alert_filtering",
        "timestamp": 1716471783

Roles Parameters

The roles object schema includes the following attributes:

Attribute Description Type
idSystem-generated unique identifier for the role.String
nameThe name of the role.String
usersUsers who are assigned to the role.Array of Strings
created_byThe ID of the user who created theString
created_atThe unix epoch time that the role was created.Timestamp
updated_atThe unix epoch time that the role was updated.Timestamp
permissionsAn array containing the permissions associated with the role.Array of Objects

Sample Roles Object

    "id": "6695327f443fadc7558ce383",
    "name": "Copy of admin",
    "users": [
    "created_by": "63d13a8068db98001550aba3",
    "created_at": 1721053823,
    "updated_at": 1721053823,
    "permissions": [
            "resource_type": "audit_logs",
            "resource_id": null,
            "actions": [
             "resource_type": "incident-tags-definitions",
             "resource_id": null,
             "actions": [

SAML Attribute Mapping

The jit_roles object schema includes the following attributes:

idThe unique system-generated ID associated with the SAML attribute mapping.String
nameThe name of the property.String
usersThe users assigned to the default role.String
created_byThe system-generated unique identifier of the user who created the SAML attribute mapping.String
created_atThe Unix epoch time when the SAML attribute mapping was created (In seconds).Timestamp (In seconds)
updated_atThe Unix epoch time when the SAML attribute mapping was last updated (In seconds).Timestamp (In seconds)
permissionsThe permissions associated with the default role selected for the SAML attribute mapping.Array of Objects

Sample SAML Attribute Mapping Object

    "id": "668bccda0b955da31608fb14",
    "name": "Domain",
    "users": [
    "created_by": "63d13a8068d558001470aba3",
    "created_at": 1720437978,
    "updated_at": 1720437978,
    "permissions": [
​         {                    
​            "resource_type": "apikeys",                    
​            "resource_id": null,                    
​            "actions": [                        
​                "full_access"                    
​            ]                
​         }
​    ]

SSO Configuration

The sso_config object schema includes the following attributes:

disableRequestedAuthnContextWhether or not the RequestedAuthnContext element is disabled. This element determines whether a specific authentication context is requested.Boolean
idPissuerThe issuer ID from the IdP.String
idPssoUrlThe SSO URL/SAML 2.0 Endpoint from the IdP.String
providerThe name of the IdP.String

Sample SSO Configuration Object

    "disableRequestedAuthnContext": false,
    "idPissuer": "",
    "idPssoUrl": "",
    "provider": "okta"

SSO Test

The sso_test object schema includes the following attributes:

idPThe name of the identity provider.Boolean
statusThe status of the SSO configuration.String
testerThe email address of the user who tested the SSO connection.String

Sample SSO Test Object

    "idP": "okta",            
    "status": "testing",            
    "tester": "[email protected]"       

User Parameters

The users object schema includes the following attributes:

Attribute Description Type 
createdAtThe time the user was created. Unix epoch time (in seconds).Timestamp
lastLoginAtUnix epoch time when the user last logged in (in seconds).Timestamp
nameThe name of the user as displayed in the BigPanda UI.String
idUnique system identifier for the user.String
stateState of the user in system.String
firstLoginAtThe Unix Epoch time the user first logged in (in seconds).Timestamp
usernameThe email address associated with the user.String

Sample User Object:

  "resource_type": "users",
  "resource_id": "631471d494528700126ca555",
  "timestamp": 1662284339,
  "object": {
    "createdAt": 1662284244,
    "lastLoginAt": 1662284281,
    "name": "Nataly",
    "state": "valid",
    "firstLoginAt": 1662284281,
    "username": "[email protected]",
    "id": "631471d494528700126a5559"