Retrieve Users

Retrieves a list of all users within BigPanda, including inactive users



All BigPanda APIs require Bearer Token Authorization in the call headers.

This API uses the User API Key type of Authorization token.

Sample Call

curl --request GET \
     --url eq true \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer <User API Key>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'
curl --request GET \
     --url eq true \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer <User API Key>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

Filtering Results

By default, all users in the system will be returned, including inactive users.
Add a filter to the endpoint call to restrict returns based on the values of several standard fields.

Filter Syntax:
/scim/Users?filter={field} {SCIM operator} {filter value}

Filters can only apply to a subset of attribute fields within the user object:

  • displayName
  • userName
  • active

All SCIM operators are supported. See the SCIM Parameters documentation for details on available operators.

For example, a filter to retrieve only active users: eq true

Sort Results

By default, results are returned in ascending order, by active field.

Add a sort field and order to the endpoint call to change the order results are listed.

Sort Syntax:

SortBy Fields include:

  • id
  • userName
  • displayName
  • active

SortOrder is alphanumeric for id, userName, displayName. True, then false for active. SortOrder options are:

  • ascending
  • descending



By default, the call returns the first 1000 users in the list.

Pagination parameters can be used together to "page through" large numbers of returns.

Pagination Syntax:
/scim/Users?startIndex={return #}&count={# of returns}

To retrieve the first 10 users, set the startIndex to 1, and the count to 10
To then query the next set of 10, change the startIndex to 11, and send another call.

Pagination is not session based. A request for a list of 10 users beginning with a startIndex of 1 may return different results when repeated as a user in the original result could be deleted or new ones could be added in-between requests.
