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Authentication and Headers

With each request to the BigPanda API, you must include an HTTP header with the authentication token for your organization. You may also need to specify the content type of the data payload and/or the response payload.

All calls to BigPanda use Bearer-type authentication, but the token may have been issued in one of two ways: Org Token or User API Key.

For example:

"Authorization: Bearer ${token}"
"Accept: application/json"
"Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8"

Org Token vs. User API Key

BigPanda APIs use two different types of bearer tokens, an organization-wide token (Org Token) or a user-specific API Key (API Key).

Org Token

Each organization has a single unique bearer token for authenticating API requests through integrations. To find your org token in BigPanda, log in as an administrator with integrations access and then click the Integrations tab at the top of screen. In the instructions for any integration using the Alerts API, your org bearer token appears in the example headers.

User API Keys

API Keys are managed on a user-specific basis within BigPanda's API Keys settings menu. Each key is associated to a specific user and is limited by the permissions assigned to the user's roles, enabling improved audit logging and security controls. To learn more about using User API Keys, see the API Key Management documentation.

Content Types

Include the appropriate Content-Type and Accept headers to specify the representation of data sent to and retrieved from BigPanda. Most BigPanda APIs accept and respond with JSON content as the data payload. Refer to the API reference documentation for supported content types of each request.