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Manage Incidents with BigPanda Biggy AI

BigPanda Biggy AI accelerates incident investigation by combing through your institutional knowledge, observability data, and service history to surface highly relevant insights. This helps you make smarter decisions quickly and improve team productivity. Biggy AI reduces missed SLAs, escalations, and knowledge gaps so you can focus on preventing future issues and innovating to scale incident management. 

You can engage with Biggy AI in Slack or Microsoft Teams using everyday language to ask questions and manage incidents. Biggy AI provides answers in easy-to-understand language and constantly evolves based on new information.

Add the Biggy AI App

Before you begin troubleshooting with Biggy AI, you'll need to add the app to your chat tool. You can use Biggy AI in either Slack or Microsoft Teams.

Add Biggy AI to Slack

To add the Biggy AI app to Slack:

  1. In Slack, scroll to the Apps section and click + Add apps.

  2. In the search bar, search for Biggy and select it from the list.

Add Biggy AI to Microsoft Teams

To add Biggy AI to Microsoft Teams:

  1. In the left menu, select + Apps.

  2. Using the search box, search for Biggy.

  3. Click Add to add Biggy to your Teams client. This may require admin approval.

Manage Biggy AI Channels

Once the Biggy AI app is added to your workspace, it can be used in any public or private channel.

To add Biggy AI to a channel, type @Biggy and press Enter. Click Invite Them to add Biggy AI to the channel.

You can ask Biggy AI to leave a channel if you no longer want it there.

If you use Slack, type the command /biggy leave to ask Biggy AI to leave the channel.

If you use Microsoft Teams, navigate to your team, click the three dots icon, and select Manage Channel. In the new window, select the Apps column and find Biggy in the list. Click the three dots icon, and select Remove.

Summon Biggy AI in a Channel or Team

Once Biggy AI is added to a channel or team, there are differences in how you summon Biggy AI when using Slack versus Microsoft Teams. 

If you use Slack, use the command /biggy [query]

If you Microsoft Teams, use the command @biggy [query]

Direct Message Biggy AI

In addition to adding Biggy AI to channels or teams, you can also chat with it via direct message.

To direct message Biggy AI in Slack, go to your Direct Messages section and click +. Search for Biggy and select it from the list. Or, you can use the search bar at the top of your Slack workplace to find Biggy.

To direct message Biggy AI in Teams, open the Chat tab and select New Chat. Search for Biggy and select it from the list. Or, you can use the search bar at the top of your Teams app to find Biggy.

Manage Incidents with Biggy AI

You can use Biggy AI to handle an incident from start to finish. Biggy AI can find the answers to questions, create incident records and response channels, generate summaries and artifacts, and retrieve on-call schedules. 

Action plans

Biggy AI automatically determines how to handle queries using the action plans configured for your organization. If your administrator has not enabled an action plan, Biggy AI will not be able to perform the tasks associated with that plan. 

Contact your administrator for assistance enabling action plans. 

Best Practices

Asking Biggy AI questions is quick and easy. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your interactions:

  • Be specific - Provide as much relevant information as possible in your query.

  • Use natural language - Biggy AI understands conversational language, so ask questions as you would to a colleague.

  • Provide context - If referring to a specific incident, include relevant IDs or descriptions.

  • Ask for clarification - If Biggy AI's response is unclear, ask for more details or explanations.

  • Leverage Biggy AI's knowledge - Biggy AI can access your organization's IT Ops history, so take advantage of this when asking questions.

  • Ask follow-up questions -To continue a conversation, leverage the Reply functionality. Biggy AI understands the context of the message being replied to.

  • Leave feedback - Use the Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down buttons to provide feedback on Biggy AI’s responses. This is useful for helping Biggy AI understand if there is a gap in the history or context, or if there is a preference for how the output is structured or displayed.

Troubleshoot Incidents

You can ask Biggy AI questions using natural language in any channel where it is configured. Biggy AI will automatically analyze your input to determine the most appropriate response. Biggy AI's response will include a link to the source where it found the answer. 

To ask Biggy AI a question, go to a channel where it is configured and type /biggy [query] if you are using Slack, or @biggy [query] if you are using Microsoft Teams.

Some examples of questions you can ask Biggy:

Help me troubleshoot ATT link timeouts 

How do I fix LDAP connection issues? 

Need help with CPU Throttling on k8s pods  

List the steps to cycle APIGW  

What is the Customer360 service? Who supports it?  

How do I configure source IP address-based persistence on an F5 load balancer? 

Example queries

To see a list of example queries in the chat window, type /biggy help , and a list of examples will appear on the screen.

Action Plan Catalog

Biggy AI determines how to automatically handle queries using the action plans your organization has configured in the Web App.

If you'd like to see all of the capabilities that Biggy AI has available, you can use the Action Plan Catalog. Look for a specific action plan that you'd like to use, or see all of the things that Biggy AI is configured to do.

To see the Action Plan Catalog, use the command /biggy and press enter. A drop-down list showing action plans grouped by category will appear.


Action Plan Catalog Selection 

To use or view more information about a specific action plan, select it from the list. The action plan will open in a window with a description and usage examples.

If the action plan requires a command, you can enter it in this window. Click Run to use the action plan. If additional steps are required for the selected action plan, they will open in a new window.

Create an Incident Channel

You can use Biggy AI to create a new incident channel containing all the relevant people needed for troubleshooting.

To initiate an incident:

  1. Navigate to a channel where Biggy AI has been enabled.

  2. In Slack, enter the command /Biggy create incident.

    In Microsoft Teams, enter the command @Biggy create incident.

  3. In the New Incident Channel window, populate the following fields:



    Incident Title

    Enter a short, descriptive title for the incident.

    Incident Channel Name

    The name of the new channel that will be created for the incident.


    From the drop-down menu, select the priority for the incident.

    Incident Description

    Provide a brief description of the incident. Include what is happening, what is impacted, and other relevant information.

    Suggest Enhancements

    Click the button to have Biggy choose which teams to page based on the context of the Incident Title and Description.

    Teams to Page

    Select the appropriate teams to page.

    The teams available to select from are based on services registered in your integrated tools.

    Users to Add

    Select the users who should be part of the incident channel.

    User Groups to Add

    Select the user groups that should be part of the incident channel.

    Additional Options

    The following additional options are available:

    - Create ITSM Ticket - Creates a retrospective ticket.

    - Create a Bridge Call - Starts a new bridge call in your configured conferencing tool.

    - Transcribe Bridge Call - If selected, Biggy AI will transcribe the bridge call you created.

    - Create Private Channel - Creates a private incident channel.

  4. Click Submit to create the new incident channel.

Once the channel is created, a pinned message containing the incident summary, impact, root cause, related links, and action items will appear in the channel. As the incident progresses, the pinned message will automatically update based on information within the channel.


Biggy AI automatically analyzes and provides summaries of images posted in the channel.

If Create ITSM Ticket or Create a Bridge Call were selected, the link to the ticket or bridge call will appear pinned at the top of the new incident channel.


Incident Channel

Generate Summaries

You can use Biggy AI to generate incident summaries, executive summaries, after action reviews (AAR), or channel summaries. Summaries provide all incident details and any associated change or problem information.

Email summaries

You can share Biggy AI summaries via email. To share a summary, click the email icon at the bottom of the summary and enter the email address that you would like to share it with.

Generate Incident Summary

Incident summaries give you a comprehensive summary or post-mortem of a specific incident. 

To generate an incident summary, you can use the following command:

 [Incident number] summary

Generate Executive Summary

Executive summaries provide leadership teams with a brief, high-level report about the incident including why it happened, what was affected, and how it can be prevented in the future.

To generate an executive summary, use the following command:

[Incident number] Exec Summary 

Generate After Action Review (AAR)

After Action Reviews (AARs) provide more specific details about the incident meant for teams to debrief and learn how to improve in the future.

To generate an AAR, use the following command:

[Incident number] AAR 

Generate Channel Summary

You can also ask Biggy to summarize a channel in Slack or Teams.

To generate a channel summary, use the following command:

summarize channel 

The Channel Summary window opens where you can select from the following options to customize your summary:




From the drop-down menu, select the channel to summarize.

Specific Time Range/Entire Channel

Select an option for what you would like to summarize.

Specific Time Range summarizes the channel activity between a defined start and end date.

Entire Channel summarizes all channel activity.

Summary Visibility

Select whether the summary will be visible to everyone in the channel or just you.

Massage Inclusion

Select whether you would like to include all messages, or exclude messages from Biggy AI.

Model Selection

Choose the AI model to use for the summary. Select from the following:

  • Quick and Smart - Generates a fast, simple summary.

  • Basic Reasoning -  Uses more reasoning than Quick and Smart. Takes a little longer to generate. 

  • Deep Reasoning - Uses the highest amount of reasoning and takes the longest amount of time to generate. 

Summary Goal (Optional)

Provide a brief goal for Biggy AI to focus the summary on.

For example, you could ask Biggy AI to highlight all action items in the conversation, or provide a list of all links in the conversation.

If your administrator configured goal templates in the action plan, they will appear as options below the text box.

Generate a Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

You can ask Biggy AI to generate a client-facing root cause analysis (RCA) based on an ITSM record.

To generate the analysis, use one of the following example commands:

RCA [record number] 

root cause analysis [record number] 

gen RCA [record number] 

Transcribe a Call

When you invite Biggy AI into a MS Teams, Zoom, or Google Meet meeting, it can transcribe the call in real time and give you a summary, transcription insights, and produce artifacts based on information from the call.

The following example queries will prompt Biggy AI to transcribe a call:


transcribe this call 


Join a call 

join meeting 

This prompts the AI Call Transcription window to open, where you can enter the Call/Meeting URL. Click Submit to add Biggy AI to the call.

You will then see Biggy AI as an attendee of your call. Biggy AI will request to record the meeting, and add a note in the chat letting your attendees know that it is transcribing.

As the call progresses, Biggy AI will post transcription updates in a thread within your chat tool.

To receive updates or request artifacts on demand from Biggy AI, click the Transcript Generation button within the thread with Biggy AI. This opens the Transcript Generation window where you can select the following options:



Transcript Generation Goal/Instructions (Optional)

Enter instructions for what Biggy AI should focus on in the transcription summary.

Global Goal Presets

Global goal presets are common goals useful for most organizations. You can select from the following presets:

  • Summary

  • Full Transcript

  • Action Items

Custom Goal Presets

Custom goal presets are goals specific to your organization.

Custom goal presets can be defined in the action plan configuration. Contact your administrator for assistance.

Model Selection

Choose the AI model to use for the summary. Select from the following:

  • Quick and Smart - Generates a fast, simple summary.

  • Basic Reasoning -  Uses more reasoning than Quick and Smart. Takes a little longer to generate. 

  • Deep Reasoning - Uses the highest amount of reasoning and takes the longest amount of time to generate. 

Word/Phrase Corrections (Optional)

If there are words or phrases that are commonly misunderstood, you can enter them here to improve transcription accuracy.

The following format should be used:

[incorrect word/phrase] = [corrected word/phrase] 

For example:

clear the cash = clear the cache 

Analyze an Image

You can use Biggy AI to analyze images. This is helpful when you need to troubleshoot platform errors, pull text from an image, or analyze infographics.

Summoning Biggy AI

To summon Biggy AI to analyze an image, you must use the command @biggy.

To ask Biggy AI to analyze an image, upload it into the chat message and ask it a question. The following are example queries:

@biggy analyze this image and provide recommendations of next steps 

@biggy analyze the image, find trends in the data 

@biggy analyze the screenshot and give me reasons why this error could be occurring 

Create a Jira Artifact

You can use Biggy to create content that you can add to a Jira artifact

This process uses a pre-defined, configurable template to structure the response according to your organization's standards for what should be included in Jira artifacts. See the Action Plans documentation for more configuration information.

The following commands are examples of how to ask Biggy AI to create content for a Jira artifact:

create a jira epic for [incident number]. 

create a user story based on [text].

Retrieve an On-Call Schedule

You can use Biggy AI to find the current on-call IT support or incident response schedules. This can help you determine who you need to contact when issues occur.

Example queries you can use to find an on-call schedule include:

who's on call right now

who's on call for friday

Provide Feedback on Biggy AI

To help Biggy AI, you can provide feedback on the response it provides you. Feedback is used to improve future responses.

If Biggy AI's response was helpful, click the Thumbs Up icon. You can then optionally provide feedback and let Biggy AI know how much time it saved you.

If the response was not helpful or inaccurate, click the Thumbs Down icon. You can then provide feedback on the response, and let Biggy AI know if context was wrong, missing, or irrelevant.

Next Steps

Find a high-level overview of the Biggy AI in the BigPanda Biggy AI documentation.

Learn how to Use the BigPanda Biggy AI Web App.