
Use the Incidents API to retrieve incident data or update an existing incident.


Deprecation Coming

BigPanda has a new Incidents API with additional functionality including:

  • Query searches with incident tag, folder and environment support
  • The ability to split, merge, comment, snooze, and assign incidents through the API.

Take a look at the improved Incidents API here!

You can continue to use this V1 API, but we recommend moving to the V2 API wherever possible.

The Incidents API allows you to build integrated functionality between an external ticketing or collaboration system and BigPanda. It provides the Incidents object, which represents a BigPanda incident containing correlated alerts from your integrated monitoring systems.

Use the Incidents API to retrieve, snooze, or resolve an incident in BigPanda.

Available Objects & Actions

The Incidents API provides the following objects:

ObjectDescriptionSupported MethodsAPI Endpoint
Alerts ObjectRepresents an alert that is contained in a BigPanda incident.GET<{incident> ID}?expand=alerts
Incidents ObjectRepresents an incident in BigPanda.POST, GET<{incident> ID}

Use the Incidents API to perform these actions:

Resolve IncidentPOST /incidents/{id}Resolves a BigPanda incident by closing all related alerts in BigPanda.
Retrieve IncidentGET /incidents/{id}Retrieves the requested BigPanda incident.


Rate Limitations

To maintain quality of service, the Incidents API is limited to 150 requests per minute.
Additional requests will return a 429 response code and the request will need to be retried.