Incident Tags

Use the Incident Tags REST API to assign tags to your incidents.

Incident Tags allow you to add context specific to your organization. You can add Incident Tags to Incidents through the BigPanda UI or via this API. Note that you first need to configure an incident tag definition in order to apply it to incidents.

To learn more about how the Incident Tags feature works, see our Add Tags to Incidents user guide.


Rate Limitations

To maintain quality of service, BigPanda APIs are limited to 30 requests per second.
Additional requests will return a 429 response code and the request will need to be retried.

Relevant Permissions

Incident Tags permissions are defined by environment role access. To search incident tags, you will need permission to view incidents in the specified environment. To edit incident tags, you will need incident action permissions in the specified environment.


Environment ID

The environment ID can extracted from the URL of the BigPanda console in browser, or it can be retrieved through the Environments API

Manage EnvironmentsView, create, edit, and delete Environments in the UI and API, and view the incidents environments contain.
Environment - Incident ActionsFull access Ability to perform actions on all enrichment tags and incidents (assign, snooze, share, comment), minus environment configuration in the specified environment(s).
Environment - ViewRead-only access to all enrichment tags and incidents in the specified environment(s) without the ability to change or perform any incident action.
Incident EnrichmentView, create, and edit Incident Tags in BigPanda Settings.

Permission access levels can be adjusted by selecting either View or Full Access. To learn more about how BigPanda's permissions work, see the Roles Management guide.

Available Actions

Use the Incident Tags API to perform these actions:

Add an Incident Tag to an IncidentPOST /environments/{env_id}/incidents/{incident_id}/tags/{tag_id}Create or update an incident tag for a single incident.
Add Multiple Incident Tags to an IncidentPOST /environments/{env_id}/incidents/{incident_id}/tagsCreate or update multiple incident tags for a single incident.
Retrieve an Incident Tag from an IncidentGET /environments/{env_id}/incidents/{incident_id}/tags/{tag_id}Retrieve a single incident tag of a single incident by ID.
Retrieve All Tags for an IncidentGET /environments/{env_id}/incidents/{incident_id}/tagsRetrieve all incident tags from a single incident.
Delete an Incident Tag from an IncidentDELETE /environments/{env_id}/incidents/{incident_id}/tags/{tag_id}Delete a single incident tag of a single incident by ID.
Delete All Tags for an IncidentDELETE /environments/{env_id}/incidents/{incident_id}/tagsDelete all incident tags for a single incident by ID.