System Configuration
API | Description |
Define how alerts are clustered into BigPanda incidents. | |
Define environments and environment groups based on incident properties such as source, severity, or alert data. | |
Define time windows that parallel infrastructure changes of respective monitored services. Manages the suppression-type Maintenance Plans in the UI. | |
Define time windows that parallel infrastructure changes of respective monitored services. Manages the post-enrichment Alert Filtering in the UI. | |
Customize the visual presentation of the topology graph. |
Relevant Permissions
Roles with the following permission can access the related APIs and BigPanda Settings:
Role Name | Description |
Alert Correlation | View, edit, and create new Correlation Patterns in BigPanda Settings and API. |
Manage Environments | View, create, edit, and delete Environments in the UI and API, and view the incident tags environments contain. See Environment Permissions for more information. |
Alert Filtering & Planned Maintenance | View, create, edit, and delete Alert Filters and Maintenance Plans. |
Topology View | View, upload, or edit topology maps via API, and view the Topology section in incident details. |
Permission access levels can be adjusted by selecting either View or Full Access. To learn more about how BigPanda's permissions work, see the Roles Management guide.
All BigPanda APIs require Bearer Token Authorization in the call headers.
This API uses the User API Key type of Authorization token.
BigPanda recommends adding Authentication headers only in the secure tool you use to make API calls.
API rate limitations
To maintain quality of service, BigPanda APIs are limited to 5 requests per second. Additional requests will return a 429 response code and the request will need to be retried.