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Manage system access

API Documentation


Audit Logs

Report on changes made to BigPanda resources.


Manage user roles within BigPanda.

SCIM Users

Enables users to provision and manage user accounts and roles.

Relevant Permissions

Roles with the following permissions can access the Audit Logs API:



Audit Logs

View the Audit Log in BigPanda Settings and the Audit Logs API.

To learn more about how BigPanda's permissions work, see the RBAC - Role Based Access Control guide.


All BigPanda APIs require Bearer Token Authorization in the call headers.

This API uses the User API Key type of Authorization token.

BigPanda recommends adding Authentication headers only in the secure tool you use to make API calls.

API rate limitations

To maintain quality of service, BigPanda APIs are limited to 5 requests per second. Additional requests will return a 429 response code and the request will need to be retried.