Inbound Integrations
Create and manage configuration for inbound email integrations and Open Integration Manager integrations.
API rate limitations
To maintain quality of service, BigPanda APIs are limited to 5 requests per second. Additional requests will return a 429 response code and the request will need to be retried.
Sample Payload
For field validation, BigPanda checks against an existing sample JSON payload from the integration. For all create calls to the API, a sample must be included in the body of all calls. For update calls to the API, the sample payload field must be included, but can be blank.
All payload fields referenced in configuration settings must be included in the sample.
Inbound Integrations Configuration
All BigPanda APIs require Bearer Token Authorization in the call headers.
This API uses the Org Token type of Authorization token.
BigPanda recommends adding Authentication headers only in the secure tool you use to make API calls.
curl --request GET \ --url{APP_KEY} \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR ORG TOKEN}' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
curl --request GET \ --url{APP_KEY} \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR ORG TOKEN}' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
{ "config": { "email_format": "plain_text", "allow_list": [ "string" ], "status": { "default_to": "warning", "source": "subject", "status_map": { "critical": [ "major", "very bad" ], "warning": [ "warning" ], "ok": [ "ok", "clear" ], "acknowledged": [ "ack" ] } }, "primary_property": { "name": "host", "source": "body", "extraction": "host is (.*)", "default_to": "general issue" }, "secondary_property": { "name": "region", "source": "body", "extraction": "region (.*)", "default_to": "us-west-1" }, "additional_attributes": [ { "name": "region", "source": "body", "extraction": "region: (.*)", "default_to": "us-west-2" } ] } }, "sample_payload": { "alerts": [ { "generatorURL": "", "fingerprint": "123456789", "annotations": { "description": "This alert is used to check the CPU utilization of this non-existent server", "runbook_url": "" }, "startsAt": "2022-07-05T19:59:25.661Z", "endsAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "status": "firing", "labels": { "severity": "page", "instance": "bigpanda-server", "alertname": "BigPanda Test", "team": "metrics", "env": "test", "job": "CPU Check", "locale": "ca", "timestamp": "1.657051103137505e+09" } } ], "commonLabels": { "instance": "bigpanda-server", "alertname": "BigPanda Test", "team": "metrics", "env": "test", "job": "CPU Check", "locale": "ca", "timestamp": "1.657051103137505e+09" }, "externalURL": "", "groupLabels": { "instance": "bigpanda-server", "alertname": "BigPanda Test", "team": "metrics", "env": "test", "job": "CPU Check", "locale": "ca", "timestamp": "1.657051103137505e+09" }, "receiver": "bigpanda", "version": "4", "commonAnnotations": { "description": "This alert is used to check the CPU utilization of this non-existent server", "runbook_url": "" }, "status": "firing" } }