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Destination Tags

Monitoring integrations allow BigPanda to receive alert events from your monitoring systems, such as Nagios, SolarWinds, and AppDynamics.

The event payload usually includes functional and contextual data on the issue, which BigPanda converts to alert tags. Many integrations will process the raw event data to normalize the format or map fields to standard tags. Depending on your integration configuration, non-mapped tags may be dropped, or may be included in the BigPanda alert. Read more about customizing the integration payload processing in the Open Integration Manager documentation.

The Destination Tags API allows you to retrieve the tags created by ingested events after event filtering, deduplication, preprocessing, and tag mapping.

Destination tags can be filtered by the incoming integration source system, and pagination is available to search older event tags. Destination tags are retrieved in reverse order by the date they were added to an alert in BigPanda from an incoming event, with more recent tags returned first.

Enrichment Tags

Destination tags include only tags created as part of the event payload processing. Alert and incident enrichment tags are created later in the pipeline. See the Alert Enrichment or Incident Tags API for tags added later in BigPanda.

Some destination tags may share names with alert or incident enrichment tags. These tags will be merged during enrichment and may appear different in the BigPanda console based on your Alert Enrichment rules.

Destination Tags


All BigPanda APIs require Bearer Token Authorization in the call headers.

This API uses the User API Key type of Authorization token.

BigPanda recommends adding Authentication headers only in the secure tool you use to make API calls.