
Notify team members through PagerDuty when critical incidents occur.

Supported VersionsTypeAuthentication Type
SaaS DeploymentsAPIOrg Bearer Token

Use BigPanda to create incidents in PagerDuty, based on high-level incidents that are intelligently grouped from multiple alerts. Save time, reduce mistakes, and ensure your entire team has a real-time view of what's happening with BigPanda.

The integration works by using the PagerDuty Events API to create incidents in PagerDuty. Once incidents are created an integration on the relevant PagerDuty service is used to send any updates from PagerDuty back to BigPanda via a webhook call. Updates from BigPanda to PagerDuty once again use the PagerDuty Events API as well as the PagerDuty REST API.


The PagerDuty integration follows standard AutoShare rules. See the Sharing Rules documentation for more information.

Key Features

  • Triggers PagerDuty Incidents — By sharing intelligently correlated alerts from BigPanda you can trigger new PagerDuty incidents.
  • Resolve in Either System — By resolving an incident in either BigPanda or PagerDuty the related incidents will be resolved in both systems.
  • Bi-directional Comment Synchronization— When adding a comment to a shared incident in BigPanda or a note in PagerDuty it will be added in both systems.

Install the Integration

Administrators can install the integration by following the on-screen instructions in BigPanda.

Advanced Configuration

The integration can override the default PagerDuty integration key for specific alerts as well as map BigPanda Tags to PagerDuty fields.

Override a PagerDuty Integration Key

To override the default PagerDuty integration key for specific alerts you need to add a custom header that indicates which BigPanda Alert Tag contains the new integration key.

  1. From the BigPanda integrations tab select your PagerDuty integration.
  2. Click Review Instructions.
  3. In the Connect BigPanda to PagerDuty step add a new custom header to the list.
Header KeyHeader Value
x-bp-config-pdfieldNew Integration key
  1. Click Configure Webhook to save the header.

Map BigPanda Tags to PagerDuty Fields

To map BigPanda tags to specific PagerDuty fields you need to add a custom header that specifies the mapping.

  1. From the BigPanda Integrations tab, select your PagerDuty integration.
  2. Click Review Instructions.
  3. In the Connect BigPanda to PagerDuty step add a new custom header to the list where tag-name is the name of the BigPanda tag and pagerduty-field-name is the name of the PagerDuty field.
Header KeyHeader Value
  1. Repeat step #3 for all your tag to field mappings.
  2. Click Configure Webhook to save the header.

Uninstall The Integration

You must delete the BigPanda integration from your PagerDuty service as well as remove the BigPanda API Key (if you have one configured) to remove the BigPanda integration from PagerDuty.


When replacing an existing integration with a new tool or system, we recommend configuring the new integration first to ensure no data is lost.

Before You Start

Manually resolve any open incidents related to the integration to remove them from your incident feed. Optionally, remove any additional data in BigPanda. For example, modify or remove any Environments or AutoShare rules that reference the integration.

Stop Sending Data from BigPanda

In BigPanda, disable any settings that send data to the integrated system. This includes modifying or removing AutoShare rules or Environments that are tied to the integration.

  1. In PagerDuty, navigate to Configuration > Services.
  2. Select the service with the BigPanda Integration configured.
  3. From the Integrations tab click the icon and select Delete.

If you have configured an API Key please follow the remaining steps, otherwise you are finished.

  1. In PagerDuty, navigate to Configuration > API Access.
  2. Locate the API Key created for the BigPanda integration and select Delete, confirming when prompted.

Delete the Integration from BigPanda

  1. In BigPanda, navigate to the Integrations tab and select the desired integration from the list.
  2. In the integration details on the right of the page, click the trash icon, then confirm you want to delete the integration. The integration will then be removed immediately.

️Data Removal

This procedure does not remove any data from BigPanda or the integrated system. As needed, remove data from each system before deleting the integration.

Release Notes

v2 (4/4/22)

  • Added Webhook3 Support